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Everything hurt. My head hurt, my chest hurt, my feet hurt. Every part of my being ached for this feeling of misery to stop and that could bring relief. It took me a minute or two to gather my composure, but conflicting thoughts still plagued my mind.

I took a deep breath, then another and then another. A state of calm returned to my mind for a moment. However, there wasn't much I could do other than run, so I ran, trying to swallow the pain whenever needed. It felt as if I was running for miles.

I ran through backyards, jumping fences, all while clutching the bullet wound that wouldn't ease. Blood continued to ooze out without no remorse. I had lost my gun in the battle, I ran out of ammo.

I dashed through an alleyway but I was cut off by three more guys. I scanned my surroundings and noticed a ladder leading to the top floor of the building, but it wa just out of reach. To my left. I stood there, still clutching my wound "Nowhere to run, Gibson." one of the guys said as he approached me.

I waited until he got close enough, he reached out to grab me, but I spun around him. I grabbed his arm from behind him and twisted it. He groaned in pain as I kicked him in his knee, forcing him to the ground. I kicked him in his side just to make sure he would stay down long enough.

I climbed on his back and grabbed hold of the ladder, I began climbing up whe something grabbed my ankle. I looked down to see one of the other henchmen. I kicked him square in the nose and continued up the ladder.

Once I reached the top I looked down to see the one and only, Cross, he was staring dead back at me. I backed away from the ledge and made my way to the stairwell. I pulled on the door but it wouldn't budge "Shit." I groaned. I looked around and walked towards the opposite side of where I came from.

I glanced at the building on the otherside. It wasn't too far away, It was definitely a jump I can make with very little collision. I looked up and saw a train coming. It was heading in the direction I needed to go in. I looked closer to see what appeared to be two figures standing atop of the train.

One was standing perfectly fine and the other was hunched over. Wanting to get a closer look, I backed up from the ledge and ran as fast as I could. Trying not to flail my arms as much as I crossed over to the next building. The train was gonna past if I don't get there quicker.

I tucked my knees to my chest and positioned my arms to catch me as I headed straight for the gravel atop of the building. I quickly stood up and realized I was two buildings away. I noticed another stairwell. I yanked the door open and took off down the stairs. "Fourth. floor. Third floor. Second floor. First!" I mumbled as I made my way out of the back entrance.

I ran down the alleyway and behind the third building I made my way to the Fourth building and attempted to open the back door. It wasn't locked, but more-so jammed. I prepped myself and rammed into the door with my shoulder. It didn't budge.

I rammed into it again, a small crack was made on the door frame above the door, but it still didn't open. I prepared myself to ram into it again, I screamed in agony. My shoulder had just dislocated, but the door was now off the hinges. I held my shoulder, forgetting about the leaking bullet hole.

I ran towards where the Exit signs pointed. On my left was the stairwell. I ran into the stairwell I ran up the five flights of stairs and entered the rooftop.

The train now approaching the building. I prepared myself to jump. Once the train came close to the building, I jumped. Landing flat on my stomach. I looked up to notice I was directly by the two figures "Fox... Wesley?", "Connor?", "BS?" all three of us stated more than asked.

I was more confused on why my brother was standing on top of a train with my ex-girlfriend. I stood up cautiously "Yeah, this is some bs. Why is my brother here? On top of a moving train at that." I asked as my brother clung tightly to my arm.

"You're bleeding." was all Fox said. Ignoring her comment my eyes zoned in on the underpass coming right towards us. Fox already knew, I didn't even have to look to tell Wesley had fear in his eyes. He was shaking like crazy. Fox did this weird turn and laid on her back, her feet laid under her.

Wesley let go of my arm and attempted to run. I looked back and noticed the ledge coming closer. Instead of ducking I jumped over it. I landed on the opposite side and stood above Fox. I reached a hand out and helped her up. That's when I noticed an unconscious Wesley laying on top of the train.

I grabbed Wesley and threw him over my non-dislocated shoulder. The train slowed to a stop and Fox hopped off. I climbed off behind her, Wesley still on my shoulder "He broke his hand, he'll need a bath." Fox said like it was a normal everyday thing.

I shook my head and followed after her "No shit, he probably pissed his pants up there." I said as we approached a black tinted vehicle. I placed Wesley on the back seat and climbed in the front.

Fox kept her eyes ahead of her and pled out of the alley "What happened to not going behind my back, eh?" I asked as I faced her "Don't bleed all over my seats." was all she said "How long are you gonna keep this up. I know what I did was wrong, Fox, but that's not gonna change the fact we still work together. You have to talk to me like a normal person at some point." I basically pleaded.

She didn't even spare me a glance "BS, BS." was all she said. BS was my nickname it was short for Black Serpent, my business name. So she basically just said 'Bullshit, Black Serpent'.

It gets confusing but I swear she does it just to spite me. "Just fucking drive." I groaned in annoyance "I've been doing that the whole time." she mumbled back. "I just nearly died. You could show a little remorse atleast." I gritted "That bullet shouldn't have. It's merely two inches away from your heart." she replied back.

I just shook my head and faced the passenger window.

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