the truth

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so the story is gonna take a big turn because of the last chapter ngl that was uncalled for anyways i didnt post cause friday i was at some school event then i had friends over saturday or however you spell it and today sunday i had my uncles celebration of life so i was busy AND I GOT WITH MY CRUSH anyways back to the story

everyone: what!

*you start crying*

tom comes over and hugs you

tom: kayla.. i-im so sorry i never knew

kayla: i know you didnt cause i never told anyone it was from my dads friend he came over a lot and said if i told anyone i would be dead so i never spoke to anyone about it to save me from harm and i didnt know what he would do to the others if i told what happend so i never said anything about it cause i dont want anyone getting hurt so when i left i just said i needed to be on my own im sorry i never told you guys

it all came pouring out like water from a cup i always was scared to tell but now that i told someone i feel like all the weight on my shoulders has been lifted off and it feels great

bill: dont say sorry it wasnt your fault 

gustav: what was the guys name?

kayla: his name was john 

tom: got it i have his ip adress his insta his moms name his job and how many dogs he has

everyone: damn

kayla: i didnt even say his last name

tom; no need to its right here john coran

kayla: im scared to every break up with you

tom: yeah dont

georg: kayla im speechless if you told us we would have took care of it by now

*everyone hugs you*

gustav: is this a bad time to say that i have a gf now

*everyone laughs*

kayla: finally now i wont be the only girl cause i feel like a pick me and its not fun

its the moments like these that i feel great and feel loved and welcomed and not scared and it feels great to talk to people i love and care for 

thats the end of this chapter not the book the chapterrrrr

im just cool like that

my ride or die (tom kaulitz)Where stories live. Discover now