Chapter 11: A Curious Corridor

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Later that same day, I sat at the Gryffindor Table, staring dismally at my untouched dinner plate, not being able to stop thinking about the possibility of this meal being the last meal I would ever have here at Hogwarts, because I was destined to be expelled at any moment, all because of that viperous snake, Merula Snyde.

"You really should eat something, Jane," Rowan said in a concerned tone as she bit into a piece of chicken leg. "You won't have another meal for another twelve hours."

"I can't eat," I said angrily. "Not with the possibility of expulsion hanging around my neck like a noose."

"Flitwick said that," Rowan said with a shrug, "but that's only what it is—a possibility. That means it might happen, but it might not."

"Rowan, I know what 'possibility' means," I said in an annoyed tone. "I just...I really don't want to be expelled. Hogwarts just became a second home to me. I don't want to leave it...not forever. It's bad enough Snape was the one who caught me; no doubt he'll expel me and let that snake stay." I didn't see the fairness in expulsion being the reward for defending a friend from a bully.

"That may be so," Rowan shrugged again, "but doing something that extreme is the Headmaster's decision, not Snape's. If Dumbledore saw what happened from your perspective, I'm sure he'll change his mind to let you stay and kick Merula out. At least, that's what I would do if I was Headmaster, or rather Headmistress. No doubt Merula would just tell lies to Dumbledore, but if you talked to him yourself and told him what really happened, I'm sure he'll take your side in a heartbeat and let you stay."

She was right. Professor Dumbledore always seemed to be much more understanding than Professor Snape and was willing to give second chances; whereas Snape wasn't as willing, not by a long shot. If Snape was the Headmaster instead of Dumbledore, he'd definitely expel me without a second thought; in fact, he probably would've expelled me from the moment I—or rather Merula—had exploded my potion in Potions Class on my first day. Thankfully, Snape didn't have that authority over me, but he could still get permission from Dumbledore to expel me. God, I sure hope he doesn't, I hoped quietly to myself.

"Thanks, Rowan," I smiled at her warmly. "You always know how to make me feel better."

"You wouldn't have me any other way," she smiled back, showing broccoli-stained teeth.

"No, you're right," I chuckled. "I wouldn't."

Just then, a familiar Hufflepuff girl with bright blue eyes and braided blond hair approached me and slid on the bench next to me. "Hey, Jane!" she waved at me. "Remember me? We met on the Hogwarts Express."

I nodded. "Yes, I remember you. Penny Haywood, right?"

"Yup, that's me!" she smiled, her teeth, unlike Rowan's, perfectly clean and white.

"You're the most popular girl in our year," I said, in total disbelief that someone like that would have any interest in talking to a (in Merula's words) 'cursed loser' like me; "and I'm..." I then paused sadly. "Well...not popular."

"I disagree, Jane," Penny shook her head. "Everyone is talking about the heroine who was brave enough to stand up to the tyranny of Merula Snyde. Not to mention all the rumors surrounding your brother."

I couldn't help but sigh and roll my eyes. "Yeah."

"Anyway, I wanted to say thank you," she continued. "Hogwarts is supposed to be fun, but Merula was making it miserable for everyone. I especially appreciate how you immediately stepped in between Merula and Ben Copper to stop her bullying."

(HOGWARTS MYSTERY) Janelle Morgan -- Year 1: The Forbidden CorridorWhere stories live. Discover now