Day 1: Kematian

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Ah, Another day. It's winter, So extra fighting. I still don't know how to handle  that I might be just so sick And tired of this, Me wanting to beg for it to end. It's.. Just so much.

I woke up and walked to the training room when I neared Future yell. They're probably upset..

I walked up to them.

"Hey boss!"

I said, I was fighting back my nervousness.

"Oh, Hey." 

They said, And I smiled. Hey, I didn't say that as bad as I thought!

"How are you?"


I knew it was a lie, And i frowned a bit. They was never fine. But I acted as if it was true. They would be happy; well, If she could feel.

"Great! Let's start training, Shall we?"

I said. I was still a bit sad by the gruesome fact that they was lying.

"Of course."

Future replied back, I smiled normally now.

A couple hours later, They yelled that it was break time and I was panting.

I can't really remember what I said, I was too exhausted. But I know Future's nice! They must have been busy when they went into their room, I did remember yesterday.

                                            [1 DAY AGO]

I jolted up, What time was it? Huh, 3AM. I got up, out of bed and walked around the hallway to go to the bathroom when suddenly I heard mumbling. I looked to see where it was coming from, And it was from Future's room. I crept to their door, Putting my ear against the door to hear what was happening. I thought I would here some sad stuff, But instead I hear them talking to themselves about something else.

"God, If this project doesn't go right, Then this war wont stop. I.. Need to stop this as fast as i can. T.W.O, please don't let me down."

T.W.O? Project? I never knew that they was doing a project called T.W.O. In fact, They haven't mentioned It or giving hints about it ever! I should ask them tomorrow.

I crept to the bathroom, Then back to my room and slept again.


Ah, That. Wait, I should ask them now! I don't want to forget later.

I walked to their door and knocked.


I heard Future say.

"Can i come in Bo-Future?"

I forgot that I could call them by their last name. I wonder why they don't tell us her first name..


They replied. I walked in, My hands nervously fidgeting. What if they thought I was weird? I'm worried...

"Hey, I heard you talking to yourself about a project a day ago, What was it?"

"Oh.. It's nothing."

Future said, I sighed heavily in disappointment.

"C'mon, Tell me, Please?"

I nagged. I really wanted to know.

"Fine. Don't tell the others. But I'll tell you tomorrow. It's noon."

I nodded happily And exited, Yes! I can finally see what they were talking about!

The day went normally, But I Also heard 2 soldiers whispering about them, Eh, It's normal. I can't wait to see what it is still.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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