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Sighing, Kaveh drags his feet through the seemingly never ending sand dunes. The wind whips through his hair. His hand, though not very effective, shields his eyes from the burning sun. He clutches his clipboard and notebook with his other hand, holding it close to his chest. He continues to squint, reminding himself why he rarely comes out to the desert alone. A thought that makes him pause crosses his mind. What if I can't make it back in time? He shakes it off, continuing to trudge through the sand.

Climbing up another sand dune, he spots what he's been searching for and he sucks in a breath, his eyes scanning the old buildings. Standing tall despite their age, the buildings easily tower over any of the sand dunes. He carefully approaches one of the buildings, admiring it. He traces his hands over the carvings covering the outside walls. Propping his clipboard on his hip, he flips open his notebook and begins sketching the symbols. He takes a few steps back to get a better look at the full building, and his foot slips out from underneath him, causing him to land, hard, in the sand.

He drops the clipboard and groans as the wind blows a layer of sand over it. Sitting himself up on his knees, he fishes his notebook and clipboard out from the sand, dusting them off. Noticing the wind getting stronger, he takes shelter inside one of the buildings in fear of a sandstorm. He places his items on a bench, looking around the rest of the building in awe. He pulls his phone out of his pockets, taking a few photos before checking the time. Shit. I'm supposed to meet Nari and Cyno for dinner in 10 minutes. He quickly grabs his stuff and runs back out, despite the impending sandstorm, this time using his hand to shield his face from both the wind and sand.

After walking for about 15 minutes, Kaveh realizes he is completely and utterly lost. He sits down, unscrewing the cap of the canteen slung around his waist. He takes a large sip of it, noting the fact that there isn't much left. Worry and panic starting to tug at his chest, he pulls his phone out again and attempts to text Tighnari.

No signal.

Frustrated, exhausted, and a little afraid, Kaveh looks around for anywhere he could go for even a little bit of shelter. By a miracle, he spots a small building and dashes over to it. He pulls his phone out again and tries to text Tighnari. He manages to send his location, though he wasn't sure how helpful that would be. He shakes his canteen, trying to estistmate how much is left. Despite the fact that he's lost and slightly panicking, Kaveh decides to explore the small building, sketching the roof and strange structures.


Tighnari looks at his phone again, slightly worried. Kaveh has a tendency to be late, but 30 minutes was pushing it. A waiter comes over and Cyno waves him away, stating that they're still waiting for someone.

"I'm worried, Cyno." He looks up at the older boy. "Kaveh isn't usually this late." He glances at his phone again.

Cyno shakes his head, taking a sip of his water. "I'm sure he's just caught up in another project. Have you asked Alhaitham?"

"No. Do you think he'd know?" Tighnari tilts his head.

"Of course. Kaveh tells him everything. Plus, they're roommates, Alhaitham probably asked where he was going."

Tighnari sets his phone on the table, texting Alhaitham.
Tighnari to Alhaitham
T: do you know where kaveh is

A: Isn't he at dinner with you?

T: no

A: Weird
Alhaitham to Kaveh
A: Kaveh
A: Kaveh where are you
A: Tighnari wants to know
A text from Kaveh popped up on Tighnari's phone and he clicked on it, expecting an excuse. He sat up straighter when the text was instead a location dead in the middle of the desert.
Tighnari and Alhaitham
T: why the hell is kaveh in the middle of the desert??

A: He went looking for buildings or something.

T: you didnt think to go with him?
T: did he go out there alone?
T: of course he got lost.

A: You're being overdramatic. He's got no sense of direction. Just go get him will you?
"Cyno, we've got to go get Kaveh, he's gotten lost." Tighnari says, grabbing his coat and heading for the door. Shoving a handful of chips into his mouth, Cyno quickly follows Tighnari out the front door.

back with Kaveh...

Kaveh holds his head, swaying slightly from the excessive heat exposure. He's been out much longer then he wanted to. Sitting down, he finishes off the last of his water and looks at his phone. Unfortunately, the heat had gotten to his phone as well, which had overheated and shut itself off. He gulps, hoping that Tighnari had gotten the message and would come get him quickly. He was afraid of what would happen if he was out here to much longer. He leans up against one of the walls, fanning himself with his hand, attempting to keep his body temperature low enough. He ties his hair back and hangs his head between his knees, focusing on his breathing. Before he knows it, he drifts off.

"Kaveh?" A loud voice echoes through the small building as the two enter and spot the blond boy slouched against the ground. "Shit" They rush over to him, crouching next to him. Tighnari lifts his head, propping him against the wall. He unscrews his canteen and splashes a small bit on Kaveh, who jolts awake and gasps.

"Tighnari" He smiles, relieved. "I'm so happy to see you." He laughs, and Tighnari helps him stand up.

"I'm here too you know." Cyno says, throwing his hands up.

Kaveh smiles at him. "I'm glad you're here too. How long was I out?" He looks back at Tighnari, a serious look forming on his face.

"Hard to say. If you passed out right after you texted me, you'd have been out for maybe 30-45 minutes? You're extremely warm." Tighnari places a hand on Kaveh's forehead.

"What about Alhaitham? Did he not come with you two?" Kaveh asks, looking around for his roomate, who he thought would've cared about this.

"He didn't come, he's still at the house." Cyno says. "We should get back before anything else happens."

"Oh." Kaveh tries to hide his disappointment, but Tighnari manages to notice and gives him a pitiful look.

Truth is, Kaveh is and has been in love with Alhaitham, and Tighnari was the only one who had noticed. Tighnari and Kaveh had been friends for a long time, and Tighnari couldn't count how many times Kaveh had ditched plans with him to go do something with Alhaitham. Kaveh made any excuse he could in order to be near Alhaitham. Alhaitham, on the other hand, is utterly oblivious of this. Kaveh knows this, though he pushes it to the back of his mind.

A cough from Kaveh brings Tighnari out of his thoughts, and he shifts his arm around Kaveh to balance him more.

"You alright?" Tighnari asks as Kaveh starts coughing more violently.

"Yeah, I think I just swallowed some sand." He clears his throat and steps away from Tighnari. "I can walk back, thanks." He smiles and brushes sand off of his shirt.

He takes a step and his legs buckle, making him fall to his knees in the sand. He pushes a bit of hair out of his face and Tighnari offers him a hand, looping his arm around Kaveh's shoulders when he stands up.

"C'mon you two, we're almost back home." Cyno jogs back to where Kaveh and Tighnari are limping along. He takes Kaveh's other arm and puts it around his shoulder, speeding up their walking pace.

"I'm gonna spend a while at the bar after this." Kaveh laughs, hanging his head.

"Kaveh.." Tighnari mutters, looking at Cyno. "I think what you need to do is rest. At home."

"Listen to Nari, please." Cyno nods, worry lacing his voice.

Kaveh is quiet the rest of the way.

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