Lanterns of Remembrance

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A/N: this story is based on the Genshin lantern rites as well as Zhongli's backstory.

At the dreary of darkness, my eyes dwindled down. As the images of my past love flashed before my eyes a sudden reminder crushed my soul.

"Tis some visitor," I mumbled as always. "Tapping at my chamber door – only this and nothing more." The time was right and my heart was heavy. The memories of the one who'd visit, in the bliss of night, the vision was vivid. They say that time heals all wounds, but the hole in my heart is already filled. The darkness of regret, suffering and despair. I wish I could go back in time. I wish it was me, and not her. Immortality is a gift, given to those who can bear it. It wears on your soul and you think, was it really worth it?

My heart sank through the bottom of my chest, as the flashbacks of walking over to the door raced through my thoughts. I opened the door, hoping for the one I longed for, but the sorrow of reality was truly cruel as I was met by a young boy with growling amber eyes. He stood before and I knew it was that time. The ceremony was prepared. His green hair flowed through the wind as he greeted me politely before leading me outside.

He handed me a lantern – glowing brightly in the darkness – it was the day of her demise. I walked through the wild grass and looked into the glowing sky. The Lanterns of Remembrance were of the war, but for me, her loss was forever tormenting.

"You can't change the past," The boy reminded me. "Nor can death be evaded, it is forever, the only constant."

I knew it was selfish, longing for her, but it was all I could do and nothing more. I released the lantern into the sky and not long after the city began to glow. If I had died, the town would be defenceless. But was her sacrifice really necessary? If I was stronger. If I was wiser. Could this have all been avoided?

From a cliff far above, I watched my people dance. For them, today was a celebration, but for me, a time of devastation. I sat alone and visited my memories, the times I spent with her and the promises we'd made.

I started to remember the way she combed my hair, and caressed my face and her gentle embrace. I missed it. I longed for it. Her touch was like a calming wave that could wash away all my problems, so why did it have to end? She would visit when the sun was gone and would leave just before it rose. I still remember our first meeting, she was a sick and weary human on the brink of death.

"Do you wish to die?" I'd asked calmly, "Or would you rather serve me, dusk till dawn?"

She'd agreed to wear the burden of mine and would come to visit from time to time. She joined my Ravens and at first, was unaccepted. They flew during the day, helping those who were in need. The protection of my people was my responsibility, but the burden was too much for one being alone. I, however, was foolish. I pushed my duties onto others entirely and rarely completed tasks that were not affecting me. Although I was selfish, my people still loved me and my Ravens still served me. I knew I didn't deserve their loyalty.

When I was needed most, my lack of experience was shown. To earn the trust of my people, she raised a sword to the challenge. It was my fight she fought and my fault she died. I was foolish. Foolish to fall in love... But it will never happen again.

I woke from my dream as a traveller greeted me with a smile. She politely asked if she could talk for a while. We stared up at the glowing sky and the lanterns were lost within the stars.

"So what brings you to me?" I asked as I poured another glass of wine. "I'm such a lonely being."

The girl explained how a powerful being had taken their lover and their power. She'd hoped I knew anything, at least a single hint. But I had been locked in my chamber for too long and knew nothing of the exterior world. The amber-eyed boy would tell me stories of his journeys and sometimes of the other Ravens, but my longing for her restricted me to my compartment.

"I will tell you if I hear of anything," I promised them truthfully. I messed but last time, but this time will be different. I will change. For my nation, for my lover and for this traveller.

I took one last glance at the remaining lanterns, but this time I smiled and they glowed brighter than ever. The world around me finally looked beautiful. She will always have a place in my heart but, at this moment I finally knew, that grieving won't bring her back. It's time for change, through and through.

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