< chapter 14 >

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Three months later, and Hazel is so happy that she and Axel could agree on an elopement wedding, because neither of them saw a chance for more groomsmen and bridesmaids. And it didn't take much persuasion on her part either. Axel just wanted to put a wedding ring on her finger as soon as possible and live happily ever after with her. He couldn't hold out any longer.

She can hardly take her eyes off Axel's hands on the steering wheel. They are strong, lean and masculine. Hands that can touch.

Hazel stared at his profile for a long time. The angular strong chin and nose, the eyes behind the glasses that watch the tarmac in front of them with full concentration. His fringe hangs messy over his forehead the way she likes it. It's not the James Dean style of Louise's wedding. It's so much better. After all, he had never been a rebel without a cause.He is her hero Axel West is Hazel Smith's soulmate. Only Mario knew about their plans and Hazel promised that she would kill him if he told anyone.

They will later announce the news to friends and family and then everyone can celebrate together. For now it is just her and Axel's day to celebrate their love and have a wedding vow to celebrate it, they don't need frills and falls or whatever, just the two of them. That's all that matters. But at least she brought a special dress along. A girl doesn't get married every day you know.

Finally the Volvo pulls up in front of the wedding officiant's house and Hazel can't help but admire the garden and view. The plants are everywhere in bloom. Lavender, honeysuckle, key flowers, you name it. The house looks completely like a cottage in the English countryside with its thatched roof and dark wooden beams contained in the whitewashed walls. To top it all off, it overlooks the famous sweetwater river. Here and there a small sailboat floats on the surface like pearls that have come loose from a string. It's only a few hours before dusk and then the water will be colored the brightest gold. Like the pawn that will soon shine on her finger A diamond is not necessary after all. Only Axel. That's all she wants.

While Axel and the wedding officiant discuss things and get everything ready, Hazel disappears like a flash in one of the guest rooms to get dressed.

Here, too, the English tradition has been retained. There is fine pink roses on the wall paper and the beautiful bed side is covered with pure white bedding. A heavy Chippendale cupboard stands in one of the corners and to the right of it a dressing screen with the most beautiful orchid painted on it in watercolor. It's a shame that they won't stay here tonight, but they both have to go back to work the day after tomorrow.

She can't believe it. Her wedding day. Hazel Smith's going to get married and to the most wonderful man on earth. The white A-line dress falls softly over her curves and she combs her dark locks until they hang in soft waves over her shoulder. Then she dabs some lip gloss on her lips and looks for one last time in the mirror on the wall, to make sure that her make-up is neat. She only wears light foundation and mascara. More would be too much. And with the contact lenses still in, her eyes will water..

She noticed the bunch of white daisies in a flower pot on one of the bedside tables and decided to take a look at a bunch of them. She deftly twirled the stalks through her hair and stood back to look at things. The mirror doesn't lie. She looks beautiful.

Simple but beautiful. And she is overjoyed. Then she slipped her bare feet into the silver sandals, spun around as Miss Smith for the last time and then closed the bedroom door behind her.

Hazel's heart jumped in her chest and she could literally feel thousands of butterflies fluttering in her stomach when she saw the group of people standing under the small garden pavilion. It is here. The big moment has finally arrived!

The wedding officiant, dressed in a neat pinstripe suit, smiles kindly and motions for her to approach. To his left are his wife and daughter who will act as witnesses, both in pastel summer dresses. She only looked at them briefly and took in a slight breath when her gaze fell on the tall, large man on the right.

Axel's navy blue jacket sits absolutely perfectly around his broad shoulders and against the crisp white shirt his skin appears even more tanned. He's wearing camel-colored chinos that accentuate his strong legs and the cheerful red leathers his feet flaunt almost make her laugh out loud.

Even from where she stands, it's clear that he's a little nervous, because he's constantly fiddling with his collar. However, when he noticed that she was watching him, he relaxed and nodded at her.

Hazel didn't hesitate a moment longer. She winked back at him, then walked towards her groom step by step and proudly joined him. When she looked up into his gray eyes, her happiness knew no bounds. What she sees in it is love and love again.

“I love you, Hazel Smith,” he whispered.

"And me for you, Axel West ," Hazel replied and saw how the laugh lines made fans next to his eyes when he smiled.

The wedding officiant coughs and begins the ceremony. Hazel tries her best to drink in every sweet word he says and she but it is Axel who dominates her thoughts. His mere presence here next to her is unreal to her, she can hardly believe that in a few minutes he will be her legal husband.

With difficulty she forces herself to concentrate harder and is very relieved when she at least does and says all the right things in the right places.

After their marriage has been ratified with rings and all, Axel kisses her long and deeply on the mouth. "Mr. and Mrs. West," she murmured softly after regaining her breath.

"And that's how it should be," he replied. "See you don't only get happy endings in stories, do you? Well, Mrs. West, let's start going our little house and our little kitten is waiting."

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