Chapter 3.

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Dazai brings Fyodor a towel and they take a shower one by one. After they're clean and dressed up they go to the living room to discuss the disappearance of the boy.

- So how did you manage to take him from his father hm? - says Dazai while taking biscuits out of the cabinet.

- Well I had to break in and you see, that man has a security system of a president. Well at least that's what we thought last time we seen his house but in reality he just has a few cameras and a dog. So you know, it wasn't that hard. He just says he has the best security around because the company that installed his cameras pays him to do so... It was so easy to pass all of this in reality. Ah that dog... I could've spared it but he kept looking at what I do and that was really distracting you know? But I know you won't judge me, you hate dogs don't you?

- You're right Fyo, I don't like them - Dazai says with an absent expression

- You okay Dazai?

- Yeah, it's just I imagine what you did to that boy... ah it could've been me...

- You mean like you want to be me or him?

Dazai thinks for a minute and then answers:

- Both!

- That's what I thought... maybe let me finish hm?

- Oh yeah right, go on Dos-kun!

- So, after I broke in, I made him lose his consciousness and dragged him out of the house. His father of course was deeply asleep as for the fact I poisoned him a little that night. So as you can see, piece of cake. Boy woke up already in My apartment after I trapped him in My basement - Fyodor ends his monologue with a wide smile as he takes a sip of the tea Dazai brewed.

- Outstanding performance!! But how did you manage to turn off the cameras?

- I have my ways - He says with a faint smile on his face

- Awh Dos-kun tell me please!

- I used someone to help me with that one

- Oooh that sounds interesting. So now tell me why did you choose him hm?

Fyodor starts thinking. In a second he says:

- He's very useful if you ask me, his ability itself would be much of help and also he actually understood me. The first person to ever know how I feel is him. I think he might be my next assistant.

- That certainly sounds really good. I want to see him now. He was my colleague too you know, why wouldn't you let me see him hm?

- No, he's mine - Fyodor said that with an angry look on his face but Dazai knew he never gets angry, he is the calmest person to ever exist.

- Okay then, but remember about my request once you go see him next time - Dazai says with a really polite expression

- I won't even consider it Osamu. He is eternally mine. - he says with a smirk

- What a shame... but I understand. I would do the same with him *smile* - So what do you plan on doing with him now hm?  Are you going to let him suffer there alone or are you joining him soon?

- And what does that mean? - he says already knowing what the answer will be

- I was thinking... is he like... your boyfriend now?

- I just casually kidnapped him so why do you think I love him? I literally wanted to kill him Dazai, he wanted to kill me too you know.

- Yeah but you're that kind of guy to be in love with a person that wants to kill you too.

- I don't want any relationships. I myself am a God-like creature and I can't be bothered by all this stuff.

- Oh yeah, right, forgot about that Godly shit - Dazai laughs

- Don't say things like that, it's not "shit" it's an important matter. God is important. And I am God-like. You should treat me with respect.

- Oh Fyodor, you're the Demon everyone was talking about for past few years, not a God. You're Evil Fyodor.

Fyodor doesn't seem to be bothered by his words and continues to sip his tea.

- Oh what did you say? Sorry I don't really care about your opinion so I didn't listen.

- I said- uh nevermind, you probably already know that, you just don't care do you?

- Well you see, I'm not Evil Dazai, I'm trying to purify this world of sinful creatures. They disgust me.

- But you're also living in sin if you're killing these people.

- I'm not killing them, I'm just purifying their sinful bodies and freeing their souls. The soul is a part of us but by letting go of the mortal flesh you get baptized once again and your inner self gets to live a peaceful eternal afterlife.

Dazai was silent. He was thinking about what Dostoyevski just said and was lost in thought. He liked to listen to his talks about life, death and of course about beliefs. But instead of enjoying this conversation he was... concerned? Maybe because his friend sounded a little too serious this time? He always sounds serious but this time... well it was just different.

Fyodor noticed that his colleague was absently staring into space but decided not to disturb him and just continued to drink his tea in silence.

After a while, Dazai finally came back from wherever he was with his mind and said:

- I think we should part our ways here Dos-kun. Thank you for the great time and let's meet tomorrow at uni again!

Dazai flashes a quick smile and stands up from the couch they were sitting on.

- Ah yes you're right Dazai, I guess I should go home now, thank you. I think I'm going to check how's my dear boy doing in my basement. He probably started to panic by now scince I left him in total darkness...

Fyodor laughs and starts going towards the door of Dazai's flat.

- See you tomorrow at uni then!

- Yeah, see you Dazai.

Fyodor leaves the apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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