why did you leave?

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For the past hour, Taylor and Steven's car ride has been unusually quiet considering they took every opportunity they could to bicker like an old married couple. Taylor would like to think she is just not in a very good mood but the truth is, going back to Cousins has been bringing back to the surface all the hurt she's tried to bury for the past year. The hurt caused by the guy sitting across from her in the driver's seat. The one nonchalantly strumming his fingers against the steering wheel. The one she has had feelings for her entire life. The one she kissed for the very first time last summer. The one who called the beautiful moment, a mistake. The one who quite literally ran away after the fact, leaving her to pick up the pieces with Belly alone. The one who called and she came running. The one she likes to pretend...doesn't still have her heart.

All these thoughts run across Taylor's mind as she gazes outside of the car window with an absentminded expression. It catches her by surprise when a tear slides down her face. She quickly wipes her cheeks with her hands before Steven notices but it was too late. 

"Taylor, are you crying?" Steven asks completely taken off guard. 

"No, I'm not." She replies unconvincingly. 

"What were you thinking about?" Steven questions after a moment, giving her a worried glance. 

You left, her mind responds but Taylor simply shakes her head, turning her attention elsewhere. A few seconds later Steven wordlessly starts pulling off of the highway which sends Taylor into a slight panic. "Steven! You don't have to stop the car. I said I'm fine!" 

"Not good enough Taylor, alright." He speaks softly before parking his car to the side of the secluded road.

Taylor releases a heavy sigh as the car comes to a stop. She now has Steven's full attention. "What do you want me to say?" She throws her hands in the air. 

"How about what caused you to be weeping a few minutes ago?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Okay, I wasn't weeping  and I already told you I'm fine."

"Were too." Steven teases. "I legit might have to check my car for water damages."

Taylor gives him an unimpressed look, "Remind me how you got into Princeton again."

"Ouch," Steven places a hand to his heart. He quickly returns to his concerned expression, "Come on. Tell me what wiped that mischievous smile off your face."

Taylor hesitates for a while but decided to just come out and say it. "You." She says looking down at her intertwined hands. When she sensed Steven's confusion, she made eye contact with him before clarifying, "You, leaving that night." 

With wordless regret Steven puts some distance between them, resting the back of his head against the drivers seat. With his  eyes closed he speaks softly, "Taylor, leaving you in that room to face Belly alone was the biggest regret of my life. I know I hurt you so badly and for that I am truly sorry." 

"When you ran out that night...it made me feel like I meant nothing to you. You said it yourself, it was just a mistake. " 

Steven's heart clenches with hurt when he hears Taylor say all of this. Slowly opening his eyes, now brimming with tears, he looks across at her, "Taylor, if I could kiss you that entire night all the way into the next day, I would. It meant the world to me. I just...didn't want to know it. Not then."

"What about now?" She offers him a half smile. 

"Now...when I'm having a hard time, I keep wishing I could just hug you tight and never let go. When I'm having the time of my life, you're the person I wish was by my side. Now, I get sucker punched in the stomach every time I see you with your musician boyfriend and I know its what I deserve." He admits with an unamused chuckle. 


"Heartbroken." Steven declares dramatically. 

Time seems to stop inside of the car, the intensity between them refusing to let up. 

"You are all my heart has ever known." The words fall from Taylor's lips before she even notices herself. The realization that she actually said this out loud and not just in her mind hits when she sees the shock and awe on Steven's face. Tears begin to slide down Taylor's face uncontrollably. She knows her vulnerability with Steven could no longer go back into hiding now that he knows how she feel about him. Utterly exposed is how she feels in this moment.

"Taylor, c'mere," Steven reaches across to hug her sobbing frame tightly. "You don't have to be scared with me," He comforts her instinctively. "Not while you have my heart in your hands. You are my light source, my luminary. The reason for my happiness. I would never hurt you. I would do anything for you, despite the fact that you're not mine..." 

Taylor slowly removes her arms from around Steven's neck after hearing the latter. Nothing ever sounded so wrong. 

With her forehead pressed against his, she gazes deeply into his eyes, "I'm yours."

Eclipse: the love of Taylor and StevenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora