The Man, The Bank, and The Boy

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I jogged into the bank, almost running, yanking the door opened. No one seemed to notice me, but I knew that was soon going to change. The door slammed behind me, shaking the now silent building. That got everyone's attention.

All eyes were now on me. With shaky hands, I pulled out my gun causing the older women in the bank to gasp. I wasn't planning on hurting any of them but they didn't know that. They also didn't know that I was just as scared as them.

I motioned with my gun for everyone to sit down where they were. They all obeyed my silent command. I let out a heavy breath and walked over to the counter where a young lady sat, a horrified expression plastered on her face.

"The money. Put it in." I said, with the strongest voice I could muster, as I pulled out a bag. Strangely, though, she wasn't looking at me. She was looking past me.

Before I could turn around, a hand was on my shoulder. I froze. Was it the police already?

"Why are you doing this?" Said a voice. I sucked in a shaky breath.
The hand on my shoulder spun me around till I was standing face-to-face with an old man.

Our eyes locked. For some reason, I couldn't look away no matter how much I wanted to.

He asked his question again, but I still didn't answer. I didn't know how.

My eyes were fixed on the man's. Why wasn't he scared like everyone else? It felt like hours when the man finally broke the silence between us, but I knew it had only been a few seconds.

"How old are you, son?" He asked, "What's your name?"

This time, I answered. "I-I'm fourteen." I didn't want to answer his other questions.

"Why are you doing this, boy." The man questioned, "You're just a kid."
I still didn't want to answer him. I couldn't. Why should I explain myself to this man? I tried looking away form him but I still couldn't. I saw the sadness glowing in his eyes, not fear like everyone else in the bank. That's when I felt the tear roll down my face. I looked down at the ground as I spoke.

"I don't.." I whispered, "My mom, she, she's in the hospital..I...I-I thought this was....I thought I could help...but.."

Before I knew it, tears were spilling down my face. I was scared. We needed the money. My dad was gone. My mom was lying in a hospital bed. My little sister was probably sleeping in the small and uncomfortable chair in the corner of the room. And here I was, trying to help, but failing miserably.

I closed my eyes, my breath coming in unsteady beats. I felt the hand lift off my shoulder. I thought he was gone, until I felt arms wrap around me.

"Put the gun down, son." He said in a soft voice. I didn't hesitate to do as he said. The gun hit the ground, echoing in the quiet building. I sank my head into his shoulder.

"I-I'm so sorry." I mumbled.
"I know." came the reply.

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