chapter eight

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GEN HAD TAKEN a break from sleeping over at Nina's house for the night. She loved being with her girlfriend, don't get her wrong, but space was always healthy. Besides, she needed to check on her dad as well. They wanted to be sure that he was safe and protected. Their mom died when they were 14. If their dad died too, they'd have nothing. She had checked on Nina as well. She and Carli were having a quiet movie night. Girlfriend was safe, parents were safe. Everything was great. Now, she was preparing for a quiet night in alone... Right after she feeds her cat, that is.

"Bijou? Bijou, come on! I have your dinner!", she called out. The cat didn't come running as he usually did, which was concerning. "Bijou? Where are you, buddy?", they called into the house. She went into the living room, where their foot squished in something wet and sticky. To make matters worse, it was also warm. It was totally fucking with her senses. "What the fuck?", they mumbled, going to flick on the lights.

Genevieve was horrified by what they saw the moment the lights came on. There was blood everywhere, some in the form of little scratches. Her cat was hung up by his furry tail in front of her front door. She wanted to scream, but nothing came out. Just a choked squeak.

They didn't need to ask who had done this. It was obvious. Just as the thought crossed their mind, the house phone began ringing. She turned towards the device, but didn't pick it up. When they didn't answer that, their cellphone began to ring next. When they still didn't answer, both phones began ringing at once. Gen dropped to the ground, covering their ears. Too many loud noises at once was always enough to make her practically shut down. It was so horrifying. Not to mention overstimulating. The ringing didn't stop. It just kept returning over and over. Even when she rejected the call, it would start over. And to make matters worse, they couldn't even block the number. They were calling from an unknown one.

Earlier, she was glad when her dad said he was going out. It was his first date since their mom died. He deserved it. But now, part of her wished she was there. She wanted someone to hold her.

In the end, Gen had no choice but to answer the phone. She'd just wanted the ringing to stop. That was the only way. When she answered her phone, the house phone stopped ringing as well. Her hands trembled. All the noise, and the shock of her dead cat, had triggered a sensory overload. "H-hello?"

"Hello, Genevieve. Did you get my present?", Ghostface asked.

Gen pursed their lips. "Fuck you, you sick fuck."

"You know, everyone keeps saying that", they informed.

"What, is it starting to hurt your feelings?", Gen scoffed.

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