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A huge uproar can be heard in the cafeteria as the newly awakened people talk, laugh, and eat. Nothing beats a meal after so many years of sleep. savoring her plate, Chief Corporal Maria Garcia starts the conversation.

- Well, I thought all those years would have made Titus lose some weight, but no, the guy hasn't changed a bit and he still eats just as much," she says.

- What did you expect? Titus replies with his mouth full.

- So, the planet, has anyone seen it? asks Dr. Emilie Turing.

- Nah, still nothing. Ariane told us to come here for the debriefing. But I'm not complaining, the food on this ship is too good,answers Dr. Marcus Williams

Ariane-V8 stood in front of the crew, enjoying their very first meal.

Corporal Titus Johnson stared intently at Dr. Emilie Turing's meal tray.

The mess hall was loud and lively, but Titus seemed completely absorbed in the tray before him. Emilie glanced up from her own tray, her face tired and annoyed. She knew Titus had a hearty appetite, but today, she wasn't sure if she could stomach her own portion.

- Titus, do you want this?" she said softly, hoping he understood her distress.

Titus turned his head towards her, his sharp blue eyes meeting hers.

- Why aren't you eating, Doc? he asked.

Emilie sighed, placing her fork next to her full plate.

- I still feel nauseous, Corporal. I'd prefer to avoid food for the moment.

Without saying another word, Titus abruptly stands up from his chair, grabs Emilie's meal tray, and places it in front of himself on the table. The other soldiers around them look at Titus in astonishment, but he doesn't seem to care. He spears a piece of meat with his fork and starts eating eagerly, ignoring the curious glances. Emilie, grateful but slightly embarrassed, looks at Titus with a thankful smile.

- Thank you, Titus, she murmurs, feeling the nausea slowly fade away.

Titus winks at her while continuing to eat.

- No problem, Doc. That's what we call teamwork, right.

Ariane, still standing next to Titus and the now-empty meal tray, turns to the assembly. She raises a hand to get their attention, and gradually, the chatter quiets down as all eyes focus on her.

- Listen, everyone! she begins with a firm yet soothing voice.

- I know we are all here for a reason, to accomplish a mission that can sometimes feel overwhelming. But what we just witnessed is exactly what makes us strong as a team.

She shoots a grateful look at Titus, who continues to eat contentedly, then turns to Emilie, who nods with a thankful smile.

- Within this unit, we are more than just a collection of individuals. We are a family. And it's in moments when one of us feels weak that the rest of us must show strength. That's how we move forward together, overcoming the obstacles in our path. Captain Blackwood will join us shortly to brief us on the mission. In the meantime, enjoy this excellent meal; I believe it is welldeserved.

- Thank you so much, Ariane. It's really delicious. By the way, how long were we in cryogenic sleep? asks Dr. Jonathan Smith.

- Captain Blackwood will join us shortly to brief us on the mission. In the meantime, enjoy this excellent meal; I believe it is well-deserved.

- Yes, I would really like to know how long we've been asleep. It's important for assessing our health status, adds Dr. Emilie Turing.

- Well, I'm not sure. But I remember we were on a mission to study a distant planet. And now, here we are, in the mess hall. It's quite a strange situation, don't you think? says Dr. Marcus Williams, devouring his meal with his hands.

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