Chap 1

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After 9 anxious, yet beautiful months, Kensi and Deeks welcomed the newest member of their family: A beautiful baby girl.

'We still haven't figured out a girl's name, any quick ideas?' Deeks asked.

'I have 1. It's a very sweet name, and the most important person in our lives has it.' Kensi replied.

'Really, who?'

Hetty came by later to check on them, and went to the baby room to see the new baby. After some looking about, and standing on her toes, she saw her:

'Henrietta Blye-Deeks.'

She almost couldn't believe it. Her 2 agents, who she brought together, had named their baby after her!

Hetty thought it had to be a mistake. Like, of all the names out there for a girl, hers was the top pick?

Thankfully, Kensi clarified it all to her when she asked.

'If it wasn't for you, Deeks and I would never be together. You're essentially the most impactful person in our lives, and plus, Henrietta is a really nice name. We hope you don't mind.' She said.

'I don't mind at all. I think it's very sweet! I'm very honored that you would choose to use my name for your child.' Hetty humbly replied.

'Well even let you take care of her, assuming you know how to take care of a baby.' Deeks rang in.

'I know how to take care of a baby, Martin. But thank you for asking.'

Taking care of Baby Hetty made her very happy, possibly even the happiest she had been since coming home after 2 years. She had never gotten to have kids of her own, so getting to be a loving aunt to her namesake meant a lot to her.

1 day, when she was telling the baby about her torrid relationship with a runaway prince who only liked her because she was very different from all his other girls, she saw a photo of Granger that Kensi had kept over the years. It was him and Hetty with her fox stole, Felix.

Smiling. 'Oh Owen, I wish you could see all this. You would've been an amazing uncle.' Hetty mused.

Then she turned to Baby Hetty. 'Owen was a very dear friend of mine. We were so competitive, and also respected each other. He took care of me when I needed it, and I did the same for him. And, I really miss him. You would've loved him, he was always an old softie with babies.'

Somewhere up above, Granger was looking at Hetty, and smiling proudly.

Endnote: Yeah, I do dream of the Densi baby being named after either Hetty or Granger, for pure sentimental reasons. :)

Baby HettyWhere stories live. Discover now