polysho ~ aquarium date

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emu laid on her carpet, swinging her legs back and forth. today, wonderlands x showtime had the day off from practice since the park had to be undergoing maintenance. she wanted to do something fun with her troupe mates since they finally had a good opportunity to hangout! emu held her phone in front of her, opening their group chat.



emu sat for a few seconds, before a few responses popped up.

nene 🤖: eh, nothing today, hbu?

emu 🍬: welllll since we have the day off do u guys wanna go somewhere? (^o^)

rui 🎈: ah, so a date then?

where to, emu?

emu thought for a moment, thinking of the difference places they've all brought up. hmmm...


tsukasa 🌟: ah, the aquarium? i suppose that's alright! what time shall we meet?

nene 🤖: how about an hour? i think i can make it by then..

emu 🍬: YAYYY that's perfect! i'll see u all there!

love uuu~♡

emu rolled over on her carpet and stood up, smiling as she bounced over to her desk, pulling open one of its drawers, and grabbing 4 hair clips, placing on in her hair and shoving them into her pocket. after closing it back, she quickly dashed out of her room, practically vibrating with excitement.

about an hour later...

the bubbly pink haired girl, gripping tight onto her book bag strap, skipped along the sidewalk, the aquarium in clear view, when she spotted both nene and rui walking towards her. she waved one arm in the air, her pace quickening. "nene, rui! hallo!" emu smiled, pulling them both in for a hug once she got close enough, wrapping both her arms around them tightly.

"fufu, good afternoon, emu!" rui smiled, kissing emu's forehead and ruffling her hair. "i'm so excited to go inside!" emu said, bouncing as she stood. "ah, that reminds me!" she reached into her hoodie pocket, grabbing two of the hair clips from earlier. emu took a piece of nene's hair and clipped it on, then got on her tippy-toes so she could do the same for rui. "there, now we all have matching fishy clips! we just have to wait for tsukasa.."

after a few minutes had passed, the three spotted their strawberry blonde boyfriend, quickly making his way over. "ah, tsukasa-kun is here!" emu dashed over, tackling him into a hug. "e-emu!" tsukasa sighed, hugging her back. "hehe, come here, tsukasa!" emu pulled back, stood on her tippy toes, and placed the clip into his hair. "oh? what's this?" he asked curiously. "it's a fishy hair clip, now you match with me, nene, and rui♪" she smiled proudly. by now, nene and rui had walked over to the two.

"tsukasa, you're finally here!" rui said, sounding excited. "good afternoon, rui, nene!" tsukasa greeted them. "you sound excited, rui. anything in particular you wanna see?" he asked. rui nodded, pulling out a piece of folded paper from out his pocket. he flipped it open, and held it up for them to see. "look, they've added a platypus section!" he smiled, causing nene to smile as well. she remembered how much he loved those.

"well, should we head in before it gets too busy? we might get to get a good look at the platypuses, since they're close to the entrance." nene asked, secretly excited to go inside, too. "yayyy, let's go!" emu grabbed both nene and tsukasa's hand, and nene held onto rui's as they headed inside.

"hmm, they should be around here somewhere.." rui said, looking around while holding the map in his free hand. "ah, rui-kun! look!" emu pointed to a big glass tank, with a few platypuses inside. rui smiled big and rushed over, not realizing he was dragging the rest of them behind him. the four of them walked up to the tank, rui getting as close as allowed. his vision was fixed onto one specific platypus, watching it swim around in the tank. "did you know, platypuses are biofluorescent? that means their fur can glow in the dark, fufu."

"woahh, really?!" emu exclaimed. "that's so wonderhoi! they can be their own little nightlight at bedtime☆" rui smiled at her comparison, nodding his head in agreement. by now emu had moved her way over to rui, watching the platypuses swim around. tsukasa and nene watched too, but not as intently as the other two.

"rui kinda looks like he's in a trance, doesn't he?" tsukasa pointed out. "hah, he sorta does. though, he's always been this way about them." nene sighed, but she also found it endearing, and maybe a little cute, too. she walked over to rui and gently grabbed his hand. she figured they should start walking again if they wanted to see any of the other exhibits. "rui, emu, i think we should head off now so we can look at the other animals now, okay?"

"aww, already??" rui asked, sad to leave the strange little creatures behind. "don't worry, rui-kun, we can come back to see them later!" emu said, in hopes to cheer him up. "ah, i suppose you're right, emu-kun. let's go see the other exhibits then!"

as the four of them walked, they came across a few different exhibits, with different fishies and other tiny creatures. emu paused at a large tank, waving to all the little fishies inside. "hehe, they're all so cute!" emu smiled puffing her cheeks. "blub blub blub, blub?" tsukasa paused to look at her, tilting his head. "emu, what are you doing..?" he asked confused."i'm talking with all the fishies, aren't they adorable?" tsukasa nodded in agreement, still a little confused, but it was still kinda adorable.

"i wish i could hop in the water and swim with them~" emu said as she watched the fishies swim around in the tank. tsukasa sighed, half expecting her to say something like that. "e-eh? maybe don't do that, emu.." he warned her. 

"though, if you wanted to—" rui started with a smirk on his face. "rui, no. we don't need you two causing any kind of commotion here." nene crossed her arms, looking up at rui. "fufu, don't worry, nene. i wasn't planning on doing anything like that here!~" rui smiled "innocently", placing his hands behind his back. "mhm, ok, sureee." nene teased.

"buttttt, wouldn't you guys just live to swim around all day? we could all be that one picture of the fishies giving each other a kiss!" emu said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "nene, you would make such an adorable fish!" emu said, reaching her arms around nene. "a-ah, thank you.."nene blushed at emu's cute little compliment. "i suppose that would be nice."

"i know, right?! we'd all make adorable fishies!" emu smiled, continuing her fish noises.


for a few more hours, they continued their way around the aquarium, enjoying each other's company. once they reached back to the entrance, rui had already wandered off back to the platypus section.

"rui really loves those platypuses, doesn't he?" tsukasa smiled, watching the purple haired boy quickly scribble into the pocket notebook he always carried around with him. "hmm...ah, i know!" he randomly exclaimed, walking over in rui's direction.

tsukasa approached him, tapping him on the shoulder. "rui, how would you like to take a selfie in front of the platypus tank? i figured it would be a wonderful way to remember today!" he smiled, handing his phone to rui. rui seemed happy with the idea, tucking his pen and notebook into his pocket and grabbing tsukasa's phone. he held it upwards, making sure to capture everyone in the photo. "okay everyone, say wonderhoi!☆" 1..2.. "wonderhoi!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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