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The white dots on the map light harmoniously, signaling the ever presence of witches in the world. In Macy's eyes, they look like stars on a clear night, if that night could turn dark at any moment. Her, Maggie and Harry barely made it to the common room.

Among the fighting in Seven Circles club, the sisters spotted an amulet, exactly like one in the Spellbook. It adorned the slender neck of a Nilaysh demon. Mel only saw it for a moment, but she was sure of its power and the spells it could facilitate. One of such spells was the entrapment of a doppelganger. It could be a lead to help the team capture Harry's evil self.

Smoke precedes him but they all know he's here. Something tugs at Macy's ears, a warm sensation on the back of her neck, making her hairs stand, as if lips touched her.

"Macy..." the fog surrounds her, thickening where it meets her limbs and enveloping her waist in a vice.

"He's here", Macy says before her eyelids fall heavily. The less light passes, the more Dark Harry invades her mind.

"Resist him!" Maggie shouts and flames appear on her palms. "Macy, push him away".

Her legs give out and Harry barely catches her in his arms. She feels his warmth, comforting and steady, but when she finds his eyes, a pair Dark Harry stares at her.

"Use your magic, Macy. Resist him".

But Dark Harry smiles knowingly, guessing the outcome. She could resist him, but she would have to let go of the magnetism she and the real Harry have. Macy had grown to love him, over adventures and ill-advised cooking attempts, they had a narrow place in time that was theirs. Just a look, a gentle hand on her shoulder and they were in their own dimension.

"I can't". She said, exhausted from the effort to keep Dark Harry out of her mind, preventing him from deciphering their location. "He sees things,'' she admitted.

"Don't let him. Hold on, Macy. Only a minute more, until Mel gets the spell ready. We will push him out of your mind, but until then, I need you to resist." he looks as a pack of shadows passes from Macy's eyes. She seems haunted. Her nails push further into Harry's sleeves and contort the material. Her back arches, the temporary siege of her mind by the demon painful in body and mind.

"Mel can't fight him for me. He'll only leave my thoughts when I'm conscious. I'll still feel his presence when I let my guard down."

I close my eyes and see you.

Her vanes grow blue with each second, a sign that the demon is winning.

"That's why I need you to get him out! Banish him somewhere in your mind that it's safe and quiet. You have to silence him, ignore him until his voice is nothing but a distant echo." Harry turns her in his arm, catching her line of vision. "Macy, I know he's offering you things. Things that you want and it's tempting".

Macy nods fearfully. Harry places his hands on her knees and squeezes, a desperate attempt to ground her.

"Whatever he's offering, don't take it. I can give it to you. Don't let him in, choose me", he whispers. Agony dances behind his eyes.

This is what breaks Macy.

"Don't you understand, Harry." she pleads with shallow breath, "I can't push him out because he's a part of you." he opens his mouth but he can't find words. The realization travels to his heart, to his lungs and the tips of his fingers. Her words echo through his chest like a forgotten wail in an old cave. As his eyes widen, she breathes out and the demon overtakes her. "The one I can't resist is you ."


Author's note:

For those that don't know me, I'm sweetleaf, kdrama enthusiast with a flare for missing scenes and reimaginings.

I wrote this in the midst of season 2 as a draft, but back then I didn't know how to write, I only wanted my thoughts on a paper. Several years after, having practised writing for the Penthouse and other projects, I came back and edited this. It's been years since Charmed aired, but if you are discovering it now or rewatching, I hope this story will make your experience richer.

Drop me a comment if you want to

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