The Flame of Darkness

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Macy stares at the cup of tea -wild magic herbs courtesy of Spellbound Botanica- when the scene she witnessed last night invades her mind. On the surface of the liquid a picture forms: Harry and Abigail locked in a kiss. The kiss that doesn't say gratitude, tenderness or mistake, it speaks of something wilder. She's consuming him, nails on his chest and fiery lips, he's like prey begging to be devoured. And when his hands move to-


The tea heats up, flames bursting from the cup, burning her hand.

She tries to control the heat, but she can't control her own heartbeat. The magic resists her commands and roars, sparking wildly.

"Macy", Harry runs to her. He takes her wrist, no doubt feeling her heartbeat pumping out of control under his thumb. With one look at her hand, he takes the salt and pours a circle around the cup, a spell to contain magic energy. The flames grow from red to blue to cyan, as the barrier he placed alters their reflection. "Try now".

Macy closes her eyes, feels his fingers on her skin and inhales, taking the energy of the fire inside her. The tea is cold.

"Are you hurt?" He inspects her softly. His blue eyes, almost cerulean made out of hollowed glass, run across her body.

"It's my own magic, Harry. It won't harm me".

"That was demon magic. I didn't know you could summon it so... effortlessly".

He's met with an eye roll.

"I'm half demon, remember".


He doesn't show fear at her outburst, and he still has her hand on hers.

"Oh, my apologies", he pulls it back.

"Is there anything that could provoke these... flammable experiences?"


"Ah..." he looks down but offers nothing more.

She taps her fingers on the SafeSpace table, her nails -painted a shiny burgundy- clicking on the wood with a satisfying sound.

She should leave it there. Blaze averted, they should both focus on how to locate the next witch in danger. It's not productive to sit out there, hidden in plain view from the startup people and mulling over her jumbled feelings. The spells won't cast themselves, and Macy has the whole Julian thing to figure out.

But she can't let it go.

"That's all you have to say?"

"We'll deal with her after Kane. What's more to say?"

"I don't know, Harry. It seems we have different definitions of dealing with Abigail".

"What's that supposed to mean?"

She crosses her arms, somehow cornered even though he's the guilty one. Chin raised, she grits.

"I saw you kissing her".

A wince flies across his face, imperceptible if she wasn't drinking his reaction in. He lowers his head. But when he raises his eyes to hers, there's a particular spark. Like he's summoning magic.

"Did you".

"Yes' he says through greeted teeth. "And is that why you're one step away from committing what regular people would call arson in plain view of everyone?"

"I can control myself," she says pointedly.

"Like you resisted my dark lighter?" he utters, hurt dripping over his english lilt.

"I was confused. But you-, Harry", her magic shimmers under her skin, "that kiss, you relished it".

"Darkness has a way to pull you in, no one is immune. As you know well." What a demon wields temps even witches.

She takes a step towards him.

"Is that what you're searching for? The demon side? Uninhibited lust and no consequences?" Abigail isn't pure evil, but that kiss couldn't be more scorching if it came from the depths of hell. "Is that what you see in me?"

He snorts, uncharacteristically.

"My penchant for demons is well documented", sarcasm coloring his voice, "by day I'm hunting them down, by night-"

"Stop it".

"What do you want me to say, Macy? You know that it's not true."

"Then why?" she cries.

"I kissed her because I was heartbroken! I was searching for you in her."

She grasps.

"I thought if I could get lost on her I could forget you. Us. Macy, your demon part is just that, a part of you. And I couldn't love you without loving it as well."

The sparks halt mid air.

"You've picked a wildly inappropriate time for a surprise confession", she fumbles.

He touches her cheek and softens.

"Is it really a surprise?"

"I may have deduced it but the evidence was contradictory-"

He kisses her, and magic dances around them. She gives in, as darkness and light engulf them in a starry night.

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