October 10th

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October 10th

12:45 PM

While Nastuei was in the kitchen, making some pastries for Touma and the others.

Akemi and Touma were outside. Sitting next to each other on the grass and having a conversation that's understanding how to play Igo. (or Go) 

One of Touma's favorite board games to play in his spare time. 

. . .


"All in all, the game is like Backgammon? Chess? Checkers? 

"Forgive me if I am mentioning games that probably, you never even heard of. It's just that I wanna know if-"

"Igo's like Backgammon, Checkers, or Chess? Well, It has similarities to Chess really...

"However, it's just a bit more complex than Chess."

"A bit more? Huh, alright..." Akemi sighed. "In that case, when I get back home. I'll tell my little sister. She wants to learn how to play Igo and I think that's because-

"Actually! You know what! How about we put this chatter on pause and grab some burgers!"

"Alright. Let's hope Shu hasn't eaten them all.

"He's done that before and Shin scolded him for hours."


"Hah! Well, I'd certainly do the same, honestly! Though, I sure gotta wonder...

"Does Shu have like a stomach larger than Jupiter's? Or??"

Touma snickers then responds. "Well..."

. . .


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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