Firebenders in Ba Sing Se

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The Avatar group gathered around a round table, ready to break their fast. Naruto had decided to cook for everyone. Knowing Aang was a vegetarian, Naruto had also made a dish for him.

As they all waited for the meal, Toph was busy itching her ear. Meanwhile, Katara was reading a scroll about Waterbending.

Naruto arranged the plates on the table. Sokka seemed like he was drooling from his mouth, waiting for the food to be served.

Once the food was served, Naruto waited in silence, he wanted to know if they liked the food. It's been months since the last time he made something like this, but for now, all they were doing was eating the food without saying a damn word.

Naruto looked at Sokka who was busy toying with a piece of meat with his fork until he decided to eat it. "Plant boy, you should have told us you can cook, this is much better than the piss that Katara makes." Toph remarked with an innocent grin as Katara glared at her across the table for insulting her cooking.

"I would like to see you try and do better, Toph, and next time I will let you starve." Katara fumed as she crossed her arms, Aang looked a little uncomfortable, hoping their arguing won't result in Toph leaving again.

"Don't worry, you can let me starve all you want. Your cooking is much better when is coming out, than it does going in." Toph added with a proud look on her face, while Katara looked like she wanted to freeze Toph in an iceberg.

"Okay, how about we talk about something else." Aang suggested, reaching out for Katara, hoping to calm her down.

"He's right, Katara, an hour ago I was outside and saw this beautiful flower shop," Sokka started, while using his fork to stab the piece of cooked chicken in the plate.

"Oh, was there anything interesting?" Katara said idly, as she savored a delectable bite of succulent sausage perfectly nestled between slices of warm, crusty bread.

"Indeed, it had all kinds of flowers, we have seen all kinds, but that one had some that I have never seen before," Sokka further added, attracting the attention of everyone around the table.

"Did you two have any kind of flowers back at home?" Naruto questioned with slight interest, earning a giggle from Toph sitting beside him.

"Not really," Sokka said with a pointed, annoyed look towards Toph, who giggled again. "Growing up, all we saw was snow everywhere. Our Gran Gran was actually the one who told us what a flower is, can you believe it? We had no idea whatsoever what the flowers are even used for," Sokka exclaimed with a dramatic voice, earning a burst of laughter from everyone around the table.

"When Gran Gran explained what a flower was, Sokka said that flowers sounded useless," Katara added, earning a keen look from Sokka, who looked at her annoyed.

"So why were you paying so much attention to those flowers?" Toph questioned with a teasing smirk as she lowered her feet down, touching the floor so she would know if Sokka was lying.

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