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I got up first thing in the morning. I opened the closet and chose a blood-red dress.

I went to the bathroom to change and when I came out, someone knocked on my room.

I went to the door and it opened. The guards entered them, followed by Frigga and Eris.

Two guards came in with a large wooden box, placing it against the wall.

-Luna, being queen is an honor,- Frigga replied

-In the chest you have your things that I brought. The queen and I agreed that I would be your chaperone,- Eris explained

-Marriage isn't bad? - I asked, pretending to be stupid, and Frigga asked the guards

-When I was younger than you, I was chosen, but I wasn't prepared for it - she replied, approaching me.

-How do you prepare to be a queen? - I asked

-Get to know your fiancé, his culture, habits and Asgard, that's enough, me and your cousin will help you with that - she replied, looking at Eris and left the room

-Come on, honey, I'll do your makeup,- she replied, opening the chest and taking out a box with cosmetics

After beautifying me, Eris and I went for breakfast.

At a large table in the middle sat the royal couple, next to Odin sat Thor Thor. Loki sat next to Frigga.

My seat was next to Thor. I approached the table and the blonde pulled out a chair for me. I sat on him and he moved them closer.

Eris sat down next to me.

I was served some salad with feta cheese. Thor got a quail which he started eating.

Nobody said a word and after eating breakfast everyone went their separate ways. It didn't look like my family. We always talked, laughed and joked. Here, however, there was a cold silence.

When I returned to my room, I brushed my teeth and touched up my burgundy lipstick.

Eris went to do something. I was sitting in my room until I heard the creaking of a painting.

Loki came out from behind him, looking at me carefully.

-And how do you like it? - He asked, amused - Odin full of mercy? - He asked

-I admit that the breakfast was dry, but I can change it - I replied - When I sit on the throne with your brother, I will impose my demands - I replied satisfied

-And if my brother... - He started but I interrupted him

-Loki, you have nothing to say here, we both know that, Odin is pulling the strings, if he wants me on the throne, there is no problem, he will hand over power to Thor and I will help him make the right decisions - I replied, smiling.

-What a snake you are,-he replied, standing in front of me

-You better leave before someone finds out you're bothering me, Odin won't be happy, especially your mother - I replied, hitting his weak spot.

He just snorted and disappeared behind the painting. After a few minutes, Thor entered the chamber. He decided to show me around Asgard.

Eris followed us with Loki as our chaperones.

-I like this place - Thor replied, pointing me to the market square, or rather to the winery located there - They have the best drinks here and there - He pointed to the butcher from across the street - The best food, and what do you like to eat? - He asked curiously.

-I like fruit and vegetables, I rarely eat meat - she replied and he smiled at me

-What do you do in your free time? I train with Sif along with other Asgardian men

-I like learning new languages, but I also train,- I replied

-Maybe tomorrow we'll meet together in the gym, of course I'll give you a head start - he replied, whispering in my ear

-With pleasure,- I replied

-As for my brother, don't listen to what he says, he's jealous - he replied and I glanced at the black-haired man looking ahead.

-I won't listen - I replied and he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the winery.

After visiting the city, he returned to his duties and I was stuck with his mother who taught me the history of Asgard. After studying, it was time for lunch. As usual, it passed in a cold atmosphere.

Afterwards, I went to the gardens with Eris.

-And how am I doing? - I asked, looking at my cousin

-Well, you fooled the God of mischief, which is already a great achievement, in a month you will have everything in hand, then we will run away - she replied, satisfied.

-How I love you, -I replied, hugging my cousin

-I love you too,- she replied, returning the hug

We walked around the gardens and Eris questioned me about the history of Asgard and their language.

I had a good memory of my mother, after all she was the goddess of the stars. And no one but her could count or remember them.

After the walk, we went for dinner. Everyone sat waiting for their dishes.

I looked at Thor smiling and he smiled back.

-How was your day, Odin? - I asked and he looked at me surprised

Loki looked at Frigga in surprise and Thor at Eris.

-Like every training, delegate - He replied - And these ones? - He asked

-I got to know your son better, I was wrong and I wanted to apologize for my outburst, merging our families is a reasonable idea - I replied and Odin smiled, which made everyone surprised.

-I knew I made the right choice for the throne, you don't care about the good of the kingdom, I can't wait to reunite our families - He replied and at that time the servants served us food.

After dinner, I went to the chamber where Thor accompanied me, followed by Loki and Eris.

I was joking and talking to the blonde about wars. When we reached the door to my chamber, he kissed my hand and left.

I entered the room, took a bath and went to bed

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