Birthday parties

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Julia woke up to her alarm once again. Today, she was ready. She was finally becoming an adult! She got ready as per usual. Her wavy brown and purple hair brushed, pumpkin crop-top, plaid skirt, converse, and florally makeup.

Julia walked down the stairs to see Kyle and her dad talking. She froze. Shit, I haven't told dad about Kyle and I yet.. She muggled in her mind. "Julia.." He needled. You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend.
"Dad, I'm sorry.."
"Julia.." Her dad sighs. "Julia, you're eighteen.. I have no control over you now." Julia nods. She starts to cry. Kyle takes a step forward, but her dad runs to her and hugs her tightly. Her mom came in with cake and laid it on the table. They all smirk and start singing. Julia covered her ears. "LALALALALA!!" No matter how old she was, that song will always make her want to kill herself.

After that god awful song, they ate cake! The cake was homemade fruit cake. Not the type you'd expect though. It was a wet vanilla cake with creamy, white, wet, sweet icing. The cake had on many fruits atop, which by far was delicious. Kyle and her dad talked. They were somehow on good terms, although I don't think her dad approved yet. But like he said, she was eighteen now. He had no control over her nor her actions. That was scary to Julia in some ways, but was cool in others.

At around 1:00PM, they had Julia sit down on the floor like a child, and open presents. Julia felt a little silly doing it, but knew it would probably be the last time. Kyle was waiting in the car preparing her gift, and Julia was ready for it. But she needed to put her family first. "Julia! Open your first present from your mom and dad!" Her mom pegged at her. Julia rolled her eyes and opened her gift. She gasped and hugged it. "Oh my god!! A new cell phone! Thank you!" Julia enthused. Julia then quickly opened her second. She gasped once again. "The whole set of Harry Potter?!" She squealed. Julia has loved Harry Potter since she was a baby. The idea of magic amused her. When she was little she would pretend to be a witch fairy.

Julia finished her presents and hugged her parents. She was crying. Her mom recorded the whole thing. In total, Julia got ten gifts. The new Iphone20, A whole Harry Potter set of books and movies including the spin-offs, A lot of jewelry, Their very first family photo (Yes they were that type of family.), A crochet kit, A Hello Kitty X My Hero Academia oversized hoodie, A new hair curler (Hers was falling apart.), Makeup, Air pods, And lots and lots of clothes. And she was grateful for every bit of it. So, they took one more photo, and Julia went to Kyle's Toyota.

Julia saw Kyle leaning against the front. He kissed her. "Ready to go?" He asked. Julia nodded. She got in his car and he drove her off. "You know where I want to go.. Right?" She prohibited. Kyle nodded. "Yep."
Julia felt relived, and closed her eyes for the ride. She was going to hang out with Jennifer.

Julia awoke to the bumpy rode of an unfamiliar place. She looked over to Kyle, then checked the time. It was 3:00pm. "Where are we?" She asked.
"Jennifer is at Nate's." Ah, she forgot Jennifer and Nate were still a thing. Nate Bronwyn.. He.. He's something else.

They pulled up and Kyle got out first. He let Julia out of the car, and led her to the front door step. The went inside, just to see complete darkness. "Wha?-" Julia was about to ask, but before she could, she added two and two together right when Nate, Jennifer, Kyle, Lia, Nora, Mark, Vanessa, Vanessa's boyfriend Jake, and Luca, yelled: "SURPRISE!!" At her. Well, not all of them yelled the same thing. She heard Jennifer yell; "SURPRISE BIIIIIITCH!!"

Julia was, yet wasn't surprised. She did start laughing though. Nate walked up to Kyle and patted him on the back, his tan, muscled skin against Kyle's pale boney body. Nate and Kyle were really almost complete opposites. While Kyle was blonde, pale, skinny, and kind of short, Nate was dark brunette, tan, muscled, and tall. Kyle had green eyes and Nate had black. Jennifer was head over heels for him now, although she used to hate him. He called her a whore in eighth grade for her huge boobs. Now he's cool. They're both really sweet guys though. "Hey, man! Mark was just telling me about last week! Y'all got-" Mark smacked him. "Dude!!" Mark wasn't too skinny, but he didn't look like Nate. Mark had brown hair, but it wasn't really dark. He had brown eyes and freckles. Luca was paler than all of the guys combined though. He's an albino. Luca stayed away from them. As some girls are 'one of the guys', Luca is one of the girls. He's not gay, but still.

Julia left Kyle with his buddies and went up to the girls. She walked in at the wrong time, for she heard Nora saying this; "I'm just saying! How is it gay to give them just a little lick? Just an itty bitty one??? I mean, twenty pounds is twenty pounds!!" Nora protested. Nora was from England, so her accent is much more different than everyone else's city/county accent.
"Bucks, Nora. You're in America." Lia corrected. Julia then decided to jump in before Nora opened her mouth. "What is going on?" She asked, laughing. Luca decided to explain, whilst looking at his phone. "They're debating on weather it's gay to give a little-" Luca made a slurping sound. "-for twenty dollars."
"Wha?-" Julia questioned. "Don't question it." Jennifer induced. Julia slowly nodded and sat down on the couch beside Luca. She rested her head on his shoulder and saw him scrolling through Tik Tok. She closed her eyes to Luca saying; "Oh, Hey Juliette."

Julia didn't know she fell asleep, but she awoke to Jennifer screaming. Not in the scared way, but in the drunk way. Well shit. Someone brought alcohol? Julia self-asked. She arose. She saw Jennifer twerking on a table. The table was bending.. "The fuck?" Julia asked.
"Jennifer went out and got drunk. We didn't know she did, but we found her at the neighbors house. Apparently they were also having a party. A drinking one." Nate said, looking dead inside. Julia could tell he felt guilty, so she patted him on the back. Luca was listening to music on the same spot he was in.

Jennifer came up to her drunkingly. "Hey.. Juul.. I don no.. Hagh drunk.."
"Maybe because you were stupid?" Julia asked sarcastically.
"Maybe.. Anyways.. You're up! Time for pesants!! Sit down fuckers!" She demanded. They all sat. Jennifer gave her gift first. "Here ya go buddy!" Julia nodded uncomfortably. She opened her present. "Ooh! A pendant! It's beautiful Jenny!" The pendant necklace was turquoise, with a brown lace. It fit Julia perfectly. When Julia put it on, Jennifer started to cry. "Y-you look so-so.. Butterfly!!! I lo-*hic*-ve you soooo much Julia!!" Jennifer hiccuped. She then staggered over and hugged Julia. "That's from me too!" Nate yelled. Julia nodded and chuckled.

Nora then walked up. "Hey Julia." She yawned. "I stayed just for you.. Anyways, here ya go." She handed Julia a present. "Ooh! Nightmare before Christmas PJ'S! You know me so well~" Julia cooned. Nora rolled her eyes.

Then Vanessa walked up. "This is from me and Jake." She handed her a present. "Ooh! Scrunchies! These are so 2019 and I love it!" Julia enthused. Vanessa nodded and walked off.

Mark then walked up. "For my best friends girlfriend~" He bowed whilst giving Julia her gift. Julia rolled her eyes. She opened it. "Hell yeah! A Polaroid camera!" She enthused. "And, it has film." Mark said, smiling. Julia thanked him and had Lia come up to her.

"As you know, we both have similar styles, soooo.." She motioned for Julia to open the present, so she did. Julia squealed. It was a huge stuffed spider! She hugged Lia, then plopped back down. Luca was next.

Luca came up to her. He hugged her, making Kyle grimace, but let go quickly. Luca handed Julia her gift. She opened it, and gasped. A beautiful electric Guitar! It was purple and yellow, and amazing... Julia strummed a few notes. Julia used to play guitar before she found out Maria cheated. After that she didn't really have time. But she remembers every bit. Julia then put down the guitar and hugged Luca tightly. She was crying, but Luca just hugged her back. The hug lasted forever, and Kyle took a step to separate them, but Nate stopped him. He shook his head no.

After Julia let go, they decided to eat some. Julia packed her things, put her guitar in the case, said her goodbyes, have hugs, gave thanks, and left. Luckily this time, nobody sang.

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