The demon

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I was able to find my way out of the woods and back to the house. Daniel was there trying to catch his breath.
"What in the hell was that? And don't give me that it's too dangerous bullshit. Just tell me." 
"Ok Daniel… I'm… I'm… There are things in this world that are dangerous and don't make sense. There are things that go bump in the night. Vampires, demons, ghosts, and witches. I'm… I'm a witch." I watched Daniel as he stood in front of me utterly speechless. I continued…
"And those people that we saw were trying to conjure something even if they didn't understand. They were conjuring something so powerful, and so evil." He took his time processing everything. 
"I… I don't understand. I used to babysit you. I've known you since you were born. I was at the hospital." 
"I grew into my powers." August picked up his bow and knocked an arrow when I stopped him. 
"Dude don't there's people in the woods." 
"Why shouldn't I shoot? If these people are so evil." sighing I replied…
"They might not be. They might be misled or maybe the demon is controlling them." Before he could say anything I continued…
"And destroying them could make things worse." 
"Son, now is not the time to play hero. Listen to Kaya, she knows what she's doing." He turned to me and continued. 
"So Kaya what do you do?" 
"I need to research the land. Find any history I could about the last tenants."
"I could help a little but I bet my neighbor would be a lot more helpful. But I have to warn you she's a drug addict." 
"Do you know if she's home right now?"
"Yeah she should be." I walked over and knocked on her door. After a few moments the neighbor opened her door.
"Can I help you?" 
"Sorry to bother you. My name is Kaya. I'm a friend of Daniel's. I was wondering if I could ask you a couple questions?'' 
"Yes please come in." She stepped aside to let me in.
"I'm sorry about the mess." 
"No this is nothing. You can't even see my bedroom floor." 
"So what is this about?" She asked.
"So I was at Daniel's and I had to go into the woods and retrieve my arrow when I came across an altar. Now I don't know if you believe in this kind of thing but a group of men tried to summon something. The altar they had, had a pile of human bones with a dagger with candles inside a pentagram. So what I'm wondering is if you have any information?" 
"Like what kind of information?"
"Anything. Rather it's small or not. What'll really help is any information on the last tenant."
"I remember one. She was friendly, young, and very outgoing. She used to bring me things. I hardly go out anymore but." 
"Do you remember her name?" I asked.
"I believe it was Kara James." I made a mental note on the name. 
"This is going to sound weird but do you remember what she looked like?" She looked at me weirdly before answering. 
"She was blonde with light blue eyes." The same girl in my visions. 
"Do you remember what happened to Kara?" 
"I remember hearing chanting. I believe whoever took her was the one who chanted." I finished the interview with her. As I was about to walk out of her house, she stopped me. 
"I want to tell you. I feel like I can trust you. I don't say this lightly but I'm an empath. I can feel other's intentions. When I saw you at my door I felt yours and I felt what you are. I know you've had visions of Kara. I hope you can give her some peace." 
"I hope so to." I said my goodbyes and walked out and towards Daniel's house. 
"You ready?" My father asked. 
"Just a second. Daniel, does the name Kara James mean anything?" He thought for a moment. 
"No." I nodded my head and added. 
"Ok well if anything happens call me." 
"I will and same to you. If you find anything out or if you have any visions." 
My father and I left Daniel and rode home. 
     I broke the long silence between my father and I. 
"While I was in the woods, I had a couple visions. I saw a woman tied down and a man standing over her. I honestly think she was murdered for a ritual. When I talked to the neighbor, she said she remembered hearing chanting and that she thinks Kara was taken by the same people."
"What else did you see?"
"Red eyes. I saw the same leader in the woods as I did in my visions."
"The same man?" My father asked. 
"Yeah." He was silent for a moment. 
"This is peculiar. It was like you were supposed to find that altar. It was like…  like you were supposed to miss that target." 
"Do you actually believe that?" 
"Yeah. I believe in a lot of things. But do you think this was orchestrated?"
"I don't know. It's possible." I thought about it for a minute and something deep down told me there's more than meets the eye.  We arrived at the house moments later in silence. We walked in and I quickly made my way to the family computer. I typed in my passcode and waited. 
"Slow computer." I mumbled. I got up and went to the kitchen and made some coffee. And of course by the time I was back, the computer wasn't ready yet. 
"Hey dad, are you on the internet?" I yelled 
"No!" He yelled back. I went to check to see if my little sister was on. I knocked on her door then opened it. 
"Hey Kaya what's up?" She asked me.
"I just wanted to see if you're on the internet." 
"Yeah but I was just trying to figure out my dream from last night." 
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.
"I had a dream that you were in the woods. I saw you standing in front of an altar with a body on top of it. And in the mist there was red eyes staring at you. I think you might have found a sacrificial altar." 
"I did but there was a pile of human bones."
"What does my dream mean though?" 
"It means I have to help the victim find peace. So if you could help by staying off the internet I'd appreciate it." She nodded her head then added…
"What of my dream Kaya? What do you think it means?"
"I think you had a vision Jesse." 
"A vision? but I don't have visions." 
"Yes you can. As a physic you can. Right now Jesse your powers are growing. And as you grow, so will your ability." I left her room and closed her door then walked back to the waiting computer where I researched Daniel's land. 
    I lost track of time searching for any information I could. Before long, my father came out and cooked dinner. Even then I was lost in my research until he called out saying dinner was done. 
"Did you find anything?" My father asked as we sat down to eat. 
"No. Everything was just a dead end. But I did find an article about Kara. It was written the week after she went missing. Tomorrow is the twenty-fifth anniversary." 
"So what are you going to do?" My father asked after taking a bite of lamb stew. 
"I have to go back and try to contact Kara. See if she remembers anything or knows anything."
"That's a good idea. I'll come. distract August and Daniel."
"Yeah, take them somewhere like the river. You haven't been to the river in a while." We ate in silence after that. Then I took my dish and placed it in the sink and walked into my room. I picked up my phone and called Daniel. He picked up after the fourth ring.
"Hey Daniel, it's Kaya."
"Hey did you find anything?" He asked me.
"Nothing too much. Found an article about Kara going missing but that's it. So I was wondering if my father and I could come over tomorrow? you and him could go to the river while I try to contact Kara." 
"Yeah that sounds good. How about you come over sometime around Nine in the morning?" 
"Yeah that sounds good. See you then." I hung up the phone and walked back out.
"I just got off the phone with Daniel and he says to be there sometime around Nine."
"That sounds good. Did he agree to the river?" 
"He's good with it. Well I am going to bed. See you in the morning." I went to bed but instead of going to sleep, I layed there awake thinking about Kara. I decided to get up and take out my grandmother's spell book and glanced inside, reading the spells. My grandmother was the best witch of her time. And my best friend. After what seemed like hours, I went back out and fixed some tea with some of my special mixture. Then after my tea, I went back into my bedroom and sat on my floor with my tea and book and read some more. But I started feeling very tired and ready to sleep. I climbed into bed and dozed into a not so peaceful sleep. I wasn't in the rem stage when I started having visions of Kara. I saw Kara laying on the altar, looking at me, begging me to help her. Then I saw The man in a long robe gliding towards her with a knife on his side. I tried to run towards her but I couldn't make my legs move. The next thing I saw was the leader standing in front of the altar. He crunched over Kara and slit her throat. They raised an 
an ancient cup filled with her blood and placed it in the middle of the pentagram. They started chanting a summoning spell. As I am watching, smoke filled the dense forest floor and raising. I watched as the smoke rose almost higher than the trees. Then almost instantly red eyes emerged in the smoke.  
       I jolted upright then. I looked around and for a moment I felt relief. Until I heard Jesse scream. I got up and ran to her bedroom to find her thrashing around on top of her bed. 
"Jesse!" I yelled. Something told me to look in the far corner of her bedroom. I saw a dark figure with red eyes and horns standing, watching me. 
"WHO ARE YOU????!!!!" I yelled at him. 
"She's mine." It replied. 
"No she doesn't, I won't let you have her." I walked towards my sister and held her down. 
"Jesse come on you have to chant with me." Just then her eyes turned from emerald green to blood red. 
"Jesse, come back! We need to expel him from you." she screamed again. 
"Kaya help me." We chanted together.
"Regna terrae cantata deo psallite cernunnos regna terrae cantata dea psallite aradia caeli deus terrae humiliter majestati Gloriae tuae supplicamus ut ab Omni inferrallium spirituum postestate laqued and deceptione requitia omnis fallaciae libera nos dominates exorcizamus you omnis immundus spiritus omnis satanica potestas omnis incursio infernalis adversarii omnis legio omnis and congregatio secta diabolica ab insidiis  diaboli libera nos dominates ut coven tuam secura tibi liberatate servine facias te rogamus audi nos terribilis deus sanctuario sua cernunnos ipso truderit virtutem plebi suae aradia ipse fertitudinem plebi suae benedictus deus Gloria Patri benedictus dea matri Gloria." There was a deep growl coming from the corner where the humanoid shape was. I screamed out towards the shape hoping It'll release my sister.  
"YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE GET OUT!!!!!!" But it didn't move. But it did point to Jesse. 
"Elements, I call on you. Send this demon back to whence it came so mote it be!" I felt the wind, I smelled lavender, I heard the ocean, and I felt the warmth of flames then. My sister stopped screaming and slept peacefully. The demon was nowhere in sight. I sighed a sigh of peace then went into my room and grabbed a few things. I wouldn't be sleeping tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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