Chapter 26-30

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Jiang Fengchi waited until the staff re-uploaded Qiao Wei's portrait to the official website before leaving the program group. He watched the evaluation of Qiao Wei on the Internet for a while, and then turned off his mobile phone and prepared to leave.

"Ms. Jiang."

The night wind suddenly became hurried, and a crisp voice suddenly sounded. Jiang Feng stopped slowly, turned his head to look, and said unexpectedly: "Ruan Tao? Is there anything you want to do with me?"

Ruan Tao's thin figure became thinner in the night. At this moment, she was standing not far from the river breeze, looking at the man in the distance, a little hesitant to say something.

After watching for a long while, she asked quietly, "Is Teacher Jiang helped with Qiao Yan's matter?"

Ruan Tao didn't know what her father was doing behind the scenes, so in her eyes, Qiao Wei's portrait did not know why something went wrong, and Jiang Fengchi was the one who helped solve this problem.

When the program group just opened the voting page today, Ruan Tao accidentally saw Jiang Feng, who had already finished class and was leaving, and returned late, and then inquired from the staff that it was because of Qiao Wei.

Ruan Tao's mood was a bit subtle. Compared to her official announcement being left far behind by Qiao Wei, she was more concerned about why Jiang Fengchi would help Qiao Wei at this time.

Is it because he is a mentor? Because he has also encountered injustices and shady scenes, so he is particularly concerned about Qiao Wei's incident?

Ruan Tao tried to persuade herself, but she always felt uncomfortable in her heart. Even if she knew Jiang Feng later, she would still have a little bit of bizarre thoughts.

These thoughts were pressed into her heart and flooded in her mind, making her unable to calm down and welcome the upcoming performance, so she couldn't help but ran to stop Jiang Fengchi, and wanted to ask the other party to help Qiao Wei. Specific reasons.

It seemed that she was worried that her words would make Jiang Feng think more about it. Ruan Tao quickly defended herself: "I want to say thank you to Teacher Jiang for Qiao Wei."

Jiang Fengchi stared at Ruan Tao for a while, then shook his head, his voice was faint, and he couldn't hear the ups and downs of emotions, "You don't need to say thank you for Qiao Wei, I didn't solve the photo issue."

Jiang Fengchi did contact Cheng's people, but at that time the other party had already stated that this incident was an accident and has now been resolved, so he just stayed in the program group and watched the staff upload photos with his own eyes.

As for the truth of the matter and how it was resolved, none of this has anything to do with him.

Ruan Tao raised her eyebrows lightly when she heard that, she seemed a little unbelievable, but Jiang Fengchi had already pulled the topic away and said softly: "I will be a male soon, I won't delay your training."

Ruan Tao still had something to say, but the other party had already spoken politely and embarrassed him. He still had the itinerary, so Ruan Tao couldn't say more, so she watched Jiang Fengchi leave the scene.

When Jiang Feng was too late, Ruan Tao clenched her palm subconsciously.

There is no her in his eyes.

Ruan Tao thought in a daze. She has been sensitive/sense since she was a child, so she can feel even the subtle differences. In Jiang Fengchis eyes, she is just an ordinary student, nothing special. Place.

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