Chapter 12 - broken but not shattered

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Harran's POV

Harran - (I kept making my love drink the most potent love potion I have, I had this potion if I felt like this to anyone and today is that day, and today is going to be the day that my love will have the same feelings that I have for him! nothing will be in his head anything but love for me!)

When the bottle has been emptied

Y/N - GAHHHH!!! *Gasping for air* WHAT DID YOU MAKE ME DRINK HARRAN! *you say in a very angry voice*

Harran - (he looks so cute when he is mad) oh nothing, it's just a love potion *Harran smiles* and it might be too strong for you but I'll make sure that you will be okay, plus it will only take a couple seconds before the effect ends *Harran smiles crazily* if I only gave you one drop that is "she laughs maniacally"

*your eyes widened, and a sense of dread goes to you*

Y/N - m-my h-head... I c-can't think properly, damn it lov-"stops midway" H-Harran *you say her name with frustration* h-how much will this last damn it!

Harran - not that long, only an hour on your first dose, the second one will be much much longer, but sadly you can only drink this only once a day *she slightly frowns* but no matter, I will keep you here no matter the cost until you love as much as I love you *she somehow mixes softness and craziness in a single smile* (and you will never leave me, I will make sure of it)

You begin to collapse and fall but Harran catches you

Harran - oh well looks like I have to get you back to bed okay *she says in a way that mimics that of a wife* I have to get back to making more potions okay *she smiles*

Y/N - n-no don't leave m-me

Harran - huh? what was that love?

Y/N - p-please... d-don't leave me! I-I n-need you by my side Harran! *you say in a shaky and almost crazy voice*

Harran - *darkly smiles but changes to a loving one immediately* okay fine love, looks like we will sleep together

Y/N - t-thank you l-love *you smile as you slowly go to sleep*

Harran - *surprised that you called her with that name* alright alright *Harran smiles* see you when you wake up (sucks that the effect will wear off when you wake up but oh well, I'll make the most of it)


Y/N - *you wake up in the void filled ocean again* (I'm here again huh? I think I'm safe here, I am scared to wake up because I might feel like that again, filled with nothing but her on mind, good thing there is no signs of her here) *you let of a sigh of relief*

??? - Y/N? *Gasp of happiness* Y/N! I'm finally in your head!

Y/N - *dread fills your body* H-Harran?

Harran - that's right it's me! your one and only Harran! *she says very cheerfully* now we can be together even if I'm not with you and when your sleeping *she smiles crazily* we are never going to be apart love

After Harran says those words it begins to echo through the void and slowly making you insane

Y/N - n-no... p-please, someone please help me! *you try to scream for help but you are only met by her echo* please someone help me *you begin to get more and more unstable the more you hear her voice which makes you curl up into a ball*

Harran - don't worry I will help you *Harran hugs you while she says in a caring voice while having an unstable and possessive face hidden from your view* just look rely on me and only me okay

You smile with happiness, whether it's fake or not you didn't really care anymore, all you cared about is staying your soulmate, your life, your everything and with that you hug her and you make a promise that might bite you in the ass in the future

Y/N - t-thank you Harran, I promise to be with you until the very end

A couple hours later when both you and Harran just woke up

Harran's POV

Harran - (I did it! I actually did it! I can go to my darling's thoughts and dreams! I knew we were soulmates! even without the effects he should still love me *she says as she has an exited face*)

Y/N - Harran? where are you? I can't see a thing right now, my eyes are blurry, and my head hurts but for some reason it feels... slightly numb

Harran - it should be better soon enough just (that should be enough proof that he is here to stay *giggles in her mind*) can you give me a hug my slightly inferior darling? *she hugs you and you hug back*

Harran - well since you are still not in the condition to hunt for supplies with me, I'll just go myself for now, okay? so don't leave

Y/N - don't worry I won't *you smile gently*

Harran leaves


Y/N - what should I do while I wait for Harran? I can't really move in the state that I'm in, I might fall before I even take my first step, maybe I'll just take a nap

you sleep and return to the void, and you feel like "yourself" again but with the added fact of attachment and dependency towards Harran, you still feel slightly empty without Harran beside you but in here you would rather feel empty than see Harran in the place that was supposed to be only yours and Crimson's private place and you say to yourself

Y/N - even if I can't stop you from going here... I need you to know that this place is not for you to wander around in Harran, this is the place of my sadness, and you are not invited! and I will get over what is happening to me damn it! I might be broken but not shattered

are you lost again? Yandere Harran X Male Reader - Nikke Goddess of VictoryWhere stories live. Discover now