Trapped in Darkness

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(can still be updated)

I am sitting in the awfully hard plastic chairs groaning, waiting for the last class to finally be over. Right when I started to drift off to sleep my teacher then suddenly calls out to the class "we will now be learning and practicing a new spell named Digitus Illustrious, it is an intermediate fire spell so get ready to concentrate on your anger. If you have not done a fire spell yet, please come to me and I will aid you," she says. I slowly get up from my chair and walk swiftly over to a small thatch training dummy at the side of the room. I stare at the small dummy while channeling my anger. I feel a sharp anger in my head and quickly say "Digitus Illustrious." A bright semi blinding light then starts coming from my finger. I then start feeling heat resonating through my finger. Just then a bright fireball comes out of my finger and roars loudly while swiftly soaring towards the dummy. It races towards the dummy, hits it, and the dummy quickly gets burned up leaving a smoldering pile of ash. The teacher then walks by me, leans down a bit and says "great job Logan, that is exactly how you do the spell," the teacher then gets back up, raises her voice by at least 2 levels and calls to the class again "everyone have a good winter break. And please make sure to practice as much as you can over this winter break," DING DING DING!!! The loud bell jolts everyone straight back to their desks. Loud chatter was in the air as I see students put away their spell books and other school supplies, put up their chairs and head out of the class excitedly to get all their crushes numbers, friends' winter plans and stuff from their lockers so they can go home for the winter vacation.

I quickly grab my binder and spellbook and then quickly turn around and start leaving the class when my teacher says "Logan," I turn around and say "what is it?'' She smiles calmly and says "good work today, I can see you becoming an amazing mage in the future," I smile happily, turn around and swiftly exit the class. Just when I put my full body out of the class my classmate Ashley walks up to me and says ''hey Logan,'' I turn right to her ''what is it?'' I question. ''Am I still coming over to your house this weekend to work on the project due after the winter break?'' I smile and say ''yep, I guess i'll see you then,'' Ashley smiles back and says ''alright, i'm going to ask my crush out so see you,'' I start waving and then she darts across the hall and turns the corner. Just then I hear a crackle over the loudspeaker. "Graduates of Slosonia high school for magic please pick up your forms for the skiing trip this winter vacation" I just ignored this announcement as I was only in grade 11 and still had one more year to go. I continue walking and along the way I see my crush and close friend Kira Whitecastle, who is a popular girl who has auburn red wavy hair with curtain bangs and has beautiful emerald eyes. She has 2 gold earrings and a heart pendant and is basically the kindest person in school along with being one of the strongest witches. She only dates people who are nice to her and does not care if they look good or bad as long as they can make her laugh.

I start walking right past her as I had other things to do. I quickly walk right past but I then feel a light tug on my shirt and turn around blushing a bit upon realizing it was Kira. "Where are you off to so soon?" Kira questions. "I have other things to do," I say as calmly as I can. She looks at me, smiling and says "alright...hey are we still on for the Christmas party this sunday?" I instantly smile back "you know it, I can't wait to meet all your friends and for you to meet mine," I respond. She then starts slowly waving "i'm going to head to the student council for a meeting, so...see you in school next year," I start waving back and say "yeah see you in 2177," I then turn around and quietly walk to the end of the hallway. I turn to the stairs and hastily head down the stairs and then head over to my locker "uhh why does it have to be so skinny," I groan looking at my extremely thin locker. I quickly go to my lock and put in the code. "Heya!" A voice calls from behind right as I was about to unlock my locker. "AHHHHH," I scream. I turn around and see a white haired girl with braided hair. "So...Logan you finally decided to show up huh?" I smile and say "Sakura, you know I always show up late, you do know I talk with my other friends before heading down to my locker." Sakura then glares at me, grins a devilish grin and says "yea you always do," she then rubs my head repeatedly "HEY SAKURA! Only my sister can do that.", she looks at me and says "I'm your best friend though, doesn't that count?" she starts laughing and I become mad. She stops laughing and says "okay, sorry, sorry." I immediately realize something and say "Wait, did you not do the exact same thing the day we met?" Sakura's eyes light up as she grins even harder "you're right, I did do that," "I guess it stuck around," she said, grinning. Even though she was still grinning, she smiles with a calmer face than before and I say "hey, i'm going to head to the bathroom,'' Sakura then looks at me "yeah same. Anyways see you at the Christmas party?" I look back and say "Yeah see you." She smiles and says "remember to be online tonight," she teased.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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