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Maria and I were checking out of the airport when I told Maria that I needed to go to the bathroom. I was now in the gender neutral bathroom when I heard footsteps behind me, and two arms snake around my waist "Well guess who it is."

I turned around and it was Evan. He began kissing me gently. "Goddammit his lips felt like soft little pieces of silk landing on mine. I wonder what he would feel like in my mouth.... Oh God no I can't think like this he'll probably dump me anyway." I thought. "Oh so you wanna know what I feel like? What hotel are you staying at? I'm staying at *RANDOM HOTEL NAME* room 666, you know." He said.

"Oh shit did I say that out loud? I'm so sorry umm I'm staying there as well, ha um room I'm in 664 right across from 666. Well I have to get to the hotel bus." I said as I walked out of the bathroom. He followed me, and insisted we hold hands on the way as we rushed to the bus. And the ONLY TWO EXTRA SEATS WERE TOGETHER. I went and sat down on the window seat and he sat next to me. We started to move, and I could feel my panic attack start creeping up on me. My vision went in and out, shortly everything became blurry. I was short of breath. I was having a full blown panic attack, then everything blacked out.

Word count: 255

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