Halloween Special

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Stan's POV:

I sigh as I put my finished letter to Bill down.

I'm supposed to go over to Bev's to get my makeup done and get my costume.
I am not thrilled.
How in the world did they convince me to do this.

Oh, right.

Never mind that.

I put the letter away and head towards the door.

As I walk into the living room my mom stops me.

"You going to Bev's now?" She asks from behind the counter.

"Uh, yeah, they want me to be there soon."

"I'm so happy for you! You finally are doing something for Halloween again! It's been years! I'm so glad you decided to join your friends this year instead of hiding in your room again." She laughs.

"Yeah, I guess." I open the door.

"Oh!" She remembers something, "Did you write your letter yet?"


"Okay, have fun, enjoy your night." She waves as I walk out the door.

"Bye mom." I close the door and grab my bike.

Once I arrive at Bev's place Richie's already waiting for me at the door, his makeup already done.

"Hey Stanny Boy!" He says enthusiastically as he greats me.

"Am I the last one here?"

"Nah, we're still waiting on Mike and Bill. But feel free to go inside, Bev's ready to do your makeup." He points towards the door.

Bev's door is decorated with the usual, fake spiderwebs, big fake spiders, and a few smoke machines that are off at the moment.

But as I walk inside I'm greeted by a totally different atmosphere.

Inside her place all the lights are off except for a few purple store bought ones that hang from the ceiling where her plants once were. There's a table in the middle of the room with a smoke machine under it and a fake glass ball sitting neatly on top.
Caution tape and spider webs hang from the ceiling along with fake spiders suspended from string.

Right, I forgot Bev's aunt loves to decorate for the holidays.

"Oh! Stan! Over here! Bev beacons to me from the bathroom. As I walk in I'm greeted with a large array of face paint and Eddie sitting on the edge of the bathtub with a full face of clown makeup and his costume on, just without his jacket.

"Hey Stan." He says from across the room before standing up, "Good luck."

I turn towards Bev, "What does Eddie mean by, Good Luck...?"

Bev snickers as she pats the spot where Eddie was sitting, "Don't worry about that Stan, just have a seat."

I sit down and Bev grabs a few colors, a paint brush, and a glass of water.

"Okay." She says as she sits down on a stool in front of me, "Eddie is the announcer, Mike is the tightrope walker, Ben is the lion tamer, me and Richie are the jugglers, I juggle knives and Richie Juggles fire, then-"

"Hold on." I say leaning away from the brush, "Your giving Richie fire?!"

"No! Of course not! We can never trust Richie with juggling fire!" She pulls my closer so she can continue painting my face, "If we gave Richie real fire Derry would be gone in less that a night. He has fake fire, it's just paper with LED's nestled within it, just like I'm using fake knives."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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