Time to grieve

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Hey guys. I haven't actually read the comics where Bruce dies, so this is pretty ooc. Most of this I don't think is cannon, but what I have heard over time. I hope you enjoy anyways.

When Bruce returned home, a breath was released. 

Batman had returned.

Yet nothing was the same.

Tim could no longer look Dick in the eye. Only thinking of his betrayals.

Barbra had almost cut contact to focus on her own goals and grief.

Alfred was frail and hurting.

Steph was reckless to prove herself.

Damien was possibly more distant from Bruce than when he arrived.

And Dick.

Dick was both exactly the same and completely different.

Everyone had watched Dick.

Everyone could see how well he coped and how little he could do. 

When Bruce returned, Dick went home. Home to Bludhaven. Home to Nightwing. Home to himself.

Nobody could understand what had happened.

Bruce died.

And what was Dick left with?

Batman. Robin. Tim. Damien. Alfred. Steph. Batgirl. Barbra. Oracle. The Justice League.

All these should have been assets.

Batman. The ability to strike justice and fear into the hearts of criminals.

Robin. A trusted partner in a time of need.

Tim. A brother to love and rely on.

Damien. A child to protect and educate.

Alfred. A trusting grandfather who would do anything for his grandchildren.

Steph. A close friend who could help.

Batgirl. A protege to further the light in Gotham.

Barbra. A friend to hold close.

Oracle. A steady, guiding hand.

The Justice League. A team of allies to aid in the mission of protection.

But they weren't.

The Justice League. A group of indiviudals quarreling and begging for Batman's time and effort.

Oracle. The founder of an organisation that did not need Batman.

Barbra. Insistent in her own goals and griefs.

Batgirl. A protege, which without supervison, wrecks havoc.

Steph. His little brother's ex trying to prove herself to the family.

Alfred. A man who lost his son and is grieving.

Damien. A young assassin who believes he deserves everything.

Tim. A brother, who in his grief couldn't understand.

Robin. A child who needed instruction and Batman.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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