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My hands crept on his neck slowly. Getting ready to suffocate him to death. He looked so peaceful, so relaxed. His skin shining like the sun in the afternoon light.

I wonder what was the last thing he saw. Maybe the sky he can see from his window, or maybe me if he opens his eyes when I start choking him. Did he eat today? Would he die on an empty stomach? Or was he full from lunch? Stupid questions I know but I do like to think about that.

I knew exactly where to hold his neck to make him stop breathing. I had tried it on myself as well as a few other patients I treated. Or killed as people say. That is a treatment too but no one understands. Some people are better off dead aren't they?

It was fast and rather boring. He didn't open his eyes. Didn't see me. Didn't give me the satisfaction of being the last thing he saw before death. But it doesn't matter. I killed him, end of the story.

I started walking towards the window, got out in no time, got in the car and drove to my house.

My house was a small 1 bedroom apartment. Don't need much when you live alone. My parents abandoned me if you are wondering why I live alone. I do keep tabs on them though. My dad is a surgeon and my mom is a housewife. They have a kid too meaning I have a sibling. One I never met or more like he doesn't know I exist.

My house is pretty normal I guess. Except that I have a lot of books in my house. My whole bedroom is filled with books. If I could keep them in the washroom I would. But it's a homey place. And I live in the outskirts so pretty silent too.

I changed my clothes and got in bed when my phone vibrated.

Did you finish you assignment?

Seen 9:56

I sighed. I'll collect my check tomorrow and off to a holiday I go.

Hey ...
I'm trying something new. Let me know what you guys think.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2023 ⏰

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