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Our wedding rehearsal was one of the things that made the wedding preparation interesting. We rehearsed a lot of things that would happen in our wedding to avoid error or mistake. I have always wanted a perfect wedding ceremony and one of the things i wanted on my wedding day was PERFECT DANCE.

I have witnessed different wedding and i really don't want to be like one of those brides that can't dance well or had a poor arrangement for their reception entrance.

Daniel and I paid close attention to this and this led us to hiring a professional dancer that taught us how to dance. I am good at dancing but i still needed a professional touch.

Our final rehearsal with the man we hired took place at Daniel's three bedroom flat apartment. It was three days to the day we have been expecting and there was need to round off the dance class.

"Now we have come to the end of our dance classes. Happy married life in advance. You home is blessed already" Mr. George said when he was about to leave.

He left some moments later and Daniel and I were left alone in the sitting room. I could not stop staring at him, as i blessed God in my heart for such a spiritual and handsome guy he has given me.

"So, now we have one more rehearsal left." Daniel said as he sat beside me on the sofa.
"Ohh... Really?"

" I witness different wedding and i have seen couples do a particular thing in a way I don't like. Maybe because they are shy or they didn't rehearse it."

"Oh! What's that?"


"What! Daniel, you know we can't do that until our wedding day and that's the same reason why those things you mentioned happen in some of those weddings. Maybe they are doing it for the first time and it was strange to them."

"I don't want that in my case. I want us to rehearse it and know how to do it perfectly. You know, whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well."

"No! I can't do this. It is wrong. We promised to keep this for our wedding day. Okay, I can only allow you to peck me."

" Na peck we wan peck that day. I am talking about correct passionate kissing. It's not wrong. It's three days to our wedding and it is just kissing not sex. It doesn't change us from being christians or affect our purity and chastity."

Daniel succeeded in convincing me to do what he wanted. I did it, after all, it was just kissing and it was three days to our wedding.

I wish it ended at just kissing. The only thing it did was to birth uncontrollable sexual urge and this eventually led to more intimate act. It led  us into the world of  immorality and sin.

I had to confess all that happened to our pastor the next day and thay same day, our wedding was canceled.  After some weeks, i discovered that I was pregnant.

See what kissing rehearsal has caused.

I have learned a great lesson that what is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. If you really want to keep sex for marriage, avoid everything that puts an increased risk of  falling into sexual sin.

Many believe kissing before marriage doesn't harm but we should not put ourselves in a position to be tempted to sin. You are free to do whatever you want after the wedding. So, wait.

Waiting does not harm too.

Waiting saves.

Waiting pays.

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