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A/N Hey! It's Addie (Yes Anna, it's not Addy it's Addie) Ummm sorry for not posting at all.... >.< We've just been really busy with school and stuff (Like exams! :O) So here is the prolouge...



"Buildings are crumbling, people are in panic, and all you care about is beating your high score on Mario Cart! What would Axelia think huh?!" I scream at Gunther.

His hazel eyes bore into my electric

blue ones "Why would you bring Axelia in this anyways? I mean she is was your bestfriend, but she is dead you know? Knowing Axelia, she wouldn't want to be brought into this anyways!" He retorts then storms off.

I crumple to the ground crying, "I know. I wish she was back..."

"She can't come back no matter what. I know what you are going to say, 'Well you're part ghost!' I was just lucky. You just need to face the fact that Axelia is gone." Elodie said calmly with her hand on my sholder.

"I-I guess you're right." I mumble, looking out the window.

Why did it come to this...


Sooooo how was it? It's probably really bad because I wrote it on the bus..... this morning. Ummm more next week!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2013 ⏰

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