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He kept talking about something but I wasn't paying close attention to him but rather the dark night sky and the grey clouds drizzling rain.

"Toby it's drizzling"
"Is it? Oh shit. I wonder if it's gonna get worse?" He jinxed it and suddenly it started pouring with rain. There was a loud boom from lighting causing me to jump in my seat and grip my ears shut to soften any other sound around me.

I heard Toby's laughter fade as I took my hands off my ears, he asked if I were ok because I jumped.
"No shit Sherlock, that was terrifying!" I shouted at him only making him laugh more.
"Sorry for laughing but you jump so high when you are startled it's like a cartoon"
I punched him lightly on the arm making me laugh now.

"How am I gonna get home now?"
"Well didn't you drive here?"
"No I walked 'cus I figured it was close by and I'd be home before the rain."
"You can stay here the night if you'd like." He said looking behind his shoulder to make eye contact. "You sure I won't be intruding?" I didn't want to be that guy and intrude his home. "Yes, what the fuck? Of course you can you're my friend." He said while turning back around in his chair to face his screen again. "Thanks Tobs" I said with a wide smile across my face, I stood up and gave him a hug around his neck and rested my chin on his head. "You're farming 'aws' for me?" He asked while staring at the chat messages racing with 'aw's. I scruffled his hair to mess it up then left to get more water.

"You fucked my hair!" He yelled at me from his room and I laughed so loud the mic picked the sound up from the kitchen.
After stream, I grabbed an extra blanket from Toby's cupboard and borrowed an oversized shirt to sleep in. We said good night to each other then went to bed. The thunder kept giving me a fright so I couldn't sleep well. Toby's shadow appeared from behind me giving me an even bigger fright. "what the fuck Toby?!" I whisper yelled at him from over my shoulder. He fell on the floor laughing, he could barely breathe.
"It's so easy to scare you holy shit" he said gasping for air.
I turned my back toward him and I could feel tears begin to swell in my eyes.

He stood up after catching his breath and walked over to where I was lying down and placed one hand on my shoulder and the other leaning against the couch. I looked up to make eye contact with him. "Are you okay? You seem sad" he asked me while his smile faded into worry. "Yeah, I'm just tired and I can't sleep." I said rubbing my eyes to attempt getting rid of my built up tears.

"Sit up, shift over" he ordered grabbing the remote and pointed at me motioning his hand for me to move. He sat down next to me and grabbed a bit blanket so that we were sharing, and put Victorious on.


(Hope u lovely's are doing good🤍)

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