Chapter 3

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Mal:Beyyyyyyyyyyyyyyn(anyone get the reference?)

Ben:Stop calling me that !

Mal : ok 😏 😏 (he walked into this no one can save him now) BENNYBOO

Ben : Why didn't I see that coming . 🙁

Mal: cause you're an oblivious idiot.

Evie : *falls from ceiling, lands on her feet perfectly , flips hair gracefully * I think you mean your oblivious idiot 😉

Evie:Oh and By The Way Lonnie is calling all of us to tha huge ballroom.

*at that ballroom*

Lonnie: I have been pondering over this decision for days , maybe even weeks , but I still can't decide which of these will suit this situation........

Jane: you're picking between ice-cream cake and normal cake .

Lonnie : this is tough ok !

Mal : You called?

Ben : Yeah we were busy !

Lonnie : Ok .first of all ,arguing about whether bananas are better than strawberries is not being busy.

Lonnie:And second,the new Vk's (*whispers*including Jay's sister)are coming in less than a week and it is a running tradition that we have to throw a secret welcome party!

(Lonnie just wants to impress her future sister in law . It gets extreme...)

Lonnie: Ok listen up you little poops, not you two Jane and Carlos you are adorable and we're lucky to have you. Ben decorations.Mal check on the food.Jane and Carlos just sit there and be cute.Evie make the food.Jay carry me so I can command people. GOT IT!

Literally everyone:..... ok

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