this is a shorter chapter

Erin's POV
Sunday September 21 1999 10:38 am
walk down stairs with my really bad bed head everyone is sitting at the dinner table. I make cereal and sit down

"You guys have school in 2 days so Erin,Sean and Steve you guys are going shopping with aunt Jill today for school stuff so when your done eating go get ready."

After I finish eating and I want up stairs to fix my hair and get some decent clothes on.

Jill yells I run down stairs I see Sean come out of his room and we walk out to the car.
I roll my eyes the get in to the back seat of the car next to Steven.

                           Time skip 11:25
It feels like we've been all over town looking for supplies and clothes as Jill is driving up to k mart I see a small music store across the street Jill parks the car I get out the car.

"I think I already got most of the stuff I need so can I check out the music store."
"Yeah sure."
Jill starts sifting through her purse.
"Uh here if you don't use give it back ."
She hands me a 20 then I walk over to the store
I open the door and scan the room for a tape section i don't find it so I walk over to an employee.

"Uh hey."
She turns a round  and I noticed it's the girl I saw this morning she looked way prettier and cooler up close then from my window.
"What can I help you with?"
"Where are the tapes?"
"follow me."
I walk behind the girl and we get to the tapes.
"No problem."
The girl walks away as I look for pavement (the band) But I notice the girl that helped me kept glancing at me I just ignored her but then she walk over to me.

"hey I haven't seen you before like anywhere."
"Well I just moved here yesterday."
"Did you move?"
"Family stuff."
"Oh family stuff can be tricky."
There was a little awkward silence.
"What are you looking for?"
"pavement Brighten the corners."
She looks for the tape
"Here I can check you out over there."
I follow her to a register and she gets behind a counter
"Do play any thing or just listen?"
She ask while checking my stuff out.
"I play."
"What do you play?"
"Bass,piano and electric guitar. You?"
"I also play bass."
"That will be 10.99."
I hand her the 20 dollars
"What school are you going to?"
"It's like something wood high ."
"Raven wood high?"
"Yes that the one."
She gives me a plastic bag with my stuff in it.
"I go there hopefully we have some classes together."
I start to smile and so does she but then I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn around it's my brother.
"Hey we're leaving.

"Ok hold on."
Sean walks away I turn back around so that I'm facing the girl.
"See you on Monday hopefully."
"Yeah see you Monday."
I wave she waves back then I walk away trying to hide my smile as I walk out of the store I hear Sean my smile immediately drops
"By the way I already call shotgun."
We walk to Jill's car
"You can't call shotgun I didn't hear you say it."
I sigh with annoyance while opening the car door.
578 words

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