Wamuu- Roller Derby

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I LOVE REQUESTSS mwah mwah thank you for requesting Frizzything1

Sorry if people are out of character, etc    I haven't read Jojo since 2020. completely forgot Wamuu's personality other than him being very honourable.


Okay sorry it took me literally forever, I'm not usually like this I swear, I was just sick af

Bte i literally hate my phone because the formatting is always messed up


The cheer of the crowd booms through me as I score the final point. I join my team as our red jerseys flail, ripped off our bodies in celebration. We skate over to the opposing team, shake hands, call it a game. Clearly, they're pissed. We're too happy to care, spitting fake "you did well!"s in their faces.

   This is it. Our golden ticket. After this, we move onto the nationals. I can't wipe the huge grin on my face as I look out onto the roaring crowd. This moment is one to savour. Finally, my feet stir from the floor, inevitably returning to the dressing room. I change into an elegant dress I picked out. I woke up this morning feeling unexpectedly fancy.

Smoothing down my dress, I smile in the mirror, fixing my reflection. Walking out the changing room, I push through the crowds of ecstatic fans outside the arena. I try to cover my face, but to no avail, as I'm instantly swarmed for autographs and pictures. I quickly excuse myself until I'm in solitude.

   "Hey, Miss?"

   My head turns at the voice. I inwardly groan, thinking I had escaped from fans. I'm on my way to a mall, having decided to celebrate our win by shopping. I decide to be polite as I turn.

   "Miss," the voice calls again.

   "Hey?" I greet, curiosity piquing. I'm taken aback as the face of a striking man meets me. "Damn.." I bite my lip, attention immediately setting on him.

   He smiles. "I thought you did.. exceptional." The faintest blush dusts his beautiful tan skin as he holds out a rose. "For you."

   I'm flattered, mouth agape. Then, I regain my composure, same blush staining my own cheeks. "T-thank you!" I stammer. I'm not accustomed to receiving flowers, especially from such handsome men. Immediately, I notice his bodybuilder physique and strong jawline. His features are sculpted.

   "Of course." He acknowledges, interrupting my admiration. He lowers his head and rubs his neck. For a moment, awkward silence dawns.

   "So, what's your name?" I fill the quiet.

   "Wamuu. And you, miss?"

   "(Y/n)." I smile at his gentlemanly demeanor, green flags rising in my mind.

   "What a beautiful name." He smiles that smile of his, lighting up our entire atmosphere.

   "You have a beautiful smile." I don't realize I say it out loud until he beams more, quirking a brow subtly. I look away, struck by Cupid, as my heart flutters at the way his eyes crinkle in happiness. Is this love at first sight? "Sorry," I blurt out. "I mean— you have a beautiful smile, in the normal way you know? Sorry if it was weird—"

   "You're beautiful." Wamuu cuts me off, taking a step closer. I feel heat rise on my face. My feet shuffle, nervous but excited at his compliment. My language fails me as I don't know how to react.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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