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He barely had any time to react, diving to the side as Kazuki and her wolf thundered towards him. Placing his first two fingers on his forehead like a salute,he yelled, "Memory make Ice warriors!" Obediently, his frozen army appeared around him, frosting the ground as they landed. Kazuki, unfazed, charged again, dodging swiftly between his soldiers. They feebly swung their swords, still disoriented when one found its mark. The great wolf wailed and disintegrated into smoke. Simultaneously, Kazuki leaped upwards, spreading her beautiful wings and preparing to soar away. "Memory make, iron rope," shouted Rufus, mostly out of panic. The rope flew towards Kazuki, snaking it's way around one of her ankles. Letting out a squeak of surprise, she reached her hand back into the bag but this time he was ready. Using the rope he had already summoned, he pulled the leather strap over her head and threw it across the stadium. 'There goes her way of resistance,' he thought, smiling at his easy victory. But she continued to struggle, her small body weaving around as her wings kept her afloat. Suddenly, the rope fell back to the ground and she regained her balance midair. Her hand was flat and straight, like a knife, pointing downwards like she had used it to cut herself free. 'what the..?' he thought,confusion settling in.
She locked eyes with him, and there was fire in her eyes. 'What have I gotten myself into?' he thought as he looked into those blazing blue eyes. She landed a few feet away from him but this time, her wings didn't fold behind her. They spread out, the feathers dancing softly in the wind. Rufus stood there, mouth hanging wide open in shock as she positioned her arms above her head. The colours in her hair became more vibrant as on her limbs, bands of gold twisted up her like snakes to her calfs and upper arms, with pale blue gems encrusted in them. Adorning her head was a golden circlet with robins feathers tied to one side. Her skin seemed to grow pale blue scales along the edges of her face, neck and arms. She looked royal and more powerful then anyone he'd ever faced as her wings folded back behind her, her eyes opening with those flames still burning. Now the real right had begun.

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