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How long has it been since I've been to a place like this?.. Months? No. It's been years. A club was always a good pick-me-up, but I suppose I never expected this.

The flashing lights and booming sound of music echoed through the dark night. The rain spattering against the pavement that sat beneath her feet.

I genuinely thought he wanted to make up for what he said to me the other night. But I guess my boyfriend- no my ex.. had other intentions.

That night she had expected a lovely evening with her at that time boyfriend. However, sitting in the rain with no way home wasn't part of the plan.


"What's a gorgeous woman like you doing out on the streets? It's raining, dear."
A man who had pulled up on a red and black motorcycle had approached her, a worrisome look in his eye. He offered her his leather jacket, hoping she would accept it.

Could this be... my savior?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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