5. The Start of Something New

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Sierra's P.O.V-

We took the next 2 hours cleaning out my closet and most of that time was spent debating on what to get rid of. We had cleaned out about 1/3 of my closet and had taken out cute clothes I had stored in storage boxes on top of my closet. Ayva described it as finding gold and eagerly hung up the clothes on hangers and steamed away the wrinkles. Nicola had the job of taking the clothes we were going to donate downstairs and put them in bags to take tomorrow to the donation center.

Ayva says, "ugh Sierra, I have to head home now, Zak has been spamming me for the past 30 minutes and he is not happy." I check the time and it was 1:50 am. I say, "holy shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it was this late." Nicola says, "you're welcome to stay the night if you want." Ayva says, "I would love to but maybe another night, I'll see you." We head downstairs with her and take her to her car. She drives away.

I say, "hey is Dev back yet?" Nicola says, "yeah I think I saw him go into his room about an hour ago." I say, "let me check up on Devon."

I knock on Devon's bedroom door. I hope he didn't bring over any of his "buddies".  Always knock, I learned that the hard way. I say, "Dev, can I come in?" Devon says, "yeah." I open the door and I see Devon on his phone, lying on his bed. I say, "go to sleep Dev, it's like 2 am!" Dev says, "I'm going, I just couldn't sleep with all the girl talk and giggling." I roll my eyes and say, "oh shut up, we were not, now go to sleep."

I walk to my room and quickly change into my pj's and hop into bed. Shit, I have to wake up in a few hours. It's a school night. Or...

I open my bedroom door and scream out, "hey, can we skip school today?" Devon says, "who are you, and what have you done with my sister?!" Jake says, "Sierra Brooklyn Walker is going to ditch school today.....this is unheard of....what have you done to my sister!?"

I laugh and say, "I'll take that as a yes." Nicola says, "if she's not going then none of us are." Jake says, "Sierra, I've never thought I would say this but you're a bad influence on us." I laugh and go to sleep.


Zak's P.O.V-

I had been up waiting for hours for Ayva to show up. I called her hours ago telling her to sleep over at my mom's house for the night. We usually don't sleep here but since Carl's away on a business trip we thought it would be a good opportunity to sleep here.


It's 7:30 am when I hear someone enter my room. I grab my bat from under my bed. The person turns on the light. I see it's my mom.

My mom comes up to me and takes the bat from my hands. She kisses my forehead crying. She says, "I've missed you so much Zak, but I heard from Carl, he's coming home early....you have to get out of here." I get up in an instant and rush to get ready.

My mom says, "Zak, do you still have money?" I lie and say, "we have another 2000, should last us a few weeks or so." My mom doesn't know that I work because if she knew she would totally be against me working as fight trainer. She wouldn't want me to get caught up in that world. My mom pulls out a stack of money and says, "here, this should last you a few more months."

I say, "thanks mom, take care, I love you." I hug her tight and she says, "hurry, before he gets here, your sister's in the car waiting, take care of her, with all your life, don't let anything happen to her." I say, "I will never let anything happen to her, I've already made that promise to you." Then a car starts pulling up.

Shit...I have to go. My mom says, "window honey." I nod and jump out of the window, with my duffle bag in my hands. Ayva had already started the car and we sped off.

Ayva was crying and I didn't want to even think of it...I had to be strong of us. Ayva says, "FUCK!" She hits the steering wheel with frustration. I say, "Ayva, calm down, you're going to get us killed, what do you wanna do?" Ayva says, "Sierra texted me and said she wasn't going to school today because she too tired."

I say, "let's go to her house then."

Sierra's P.O.V-

Ayva had texted me about an hour ago asking if she and Zak could sleepover because they were having problems at home. I didn't ask her about it since I didn't want to seem nosey. Ayva texts me I'm here. I head down and open the door. Ayva waves and Zak awkwardly smiles. I let them in and I say, "do you guys want to sleep some more, you can crash in the guest room." Ayva says, "I'm good." Zak says, "no thanks." Ayva says, "if you want to go back to sleep, go ahead, we can just chill on the couch." I say, "no, I'm good, do you wanna eat?"

I take them into the kitchen and say, "grab whatever you want." Zak goes through the pantry and says, "um I think I'll just grab a bagel." Ayva says, "oooh I want one too, I've been craving one since Devon brought you a bagel the other day." I walk to the refrigerator and pull out the cream cheese and set out the plates.

We sat down at the kitchen bar and chatted. Ayva says, "so how come you responded to my text so early?" I say, "my alarm had gone off for my morning run but then I remembered that I couldn't because of the doctor's order." Ayva says, "you run aside from going to practice?" I say, "yeah, well, I have to stay in shape, I'm trying to get a full ride to Stanford for track." Zak chimes in and says, "I'm in the running for a full ride for Stanford as well, but for football." I say, "well, may the best athlete win." Zak glares jokingly and says, "touché"

Devon says walking down in his boxers and rubbing his eyes, "yo, what's with all the noise?" I say, "Dev, for fucks sake, go get dressed!" Devon finally clears his eyes and sees that Ayva and Zak were here. Devon runs back upstairs and says, "sorry!" I roll my eyes and turn to see Ayva bright red and Zak chowing down his bagel.

After a few moments, Devon comes back down and says, "dude, you could have given me a heads up." I say, "Dev, if you hear voices, you should assume there are people over and know not to come down with just your boxers." Dev rolls his eyes and Jake says coming from behind, "the dude has a brain the size of a raisin, excuse him for being a dumbass." Zak laughs and Ayva nudges him to shut up.

Devon says, "not too dumb to do this." He low kicks Jake, making him fall on his ass. Jake rolls his eyes and says sarcastically, "wow, you can low kick, soooo impressive." Jake starts firing jump kicks at Devon to see if he's quick enough to dodge every one. Devon is doing pretty good and Jake is starting to get frustrated. Devon says, "haha, Jake, it seems like you haven't been practicing."

I roll my eyes seeing that this is just another day of them trying to show off. I say, "ok well, this is getting boring." I break up their attacks and hip toss them to the ground. Jake and Devon groan and I say, "stop embarrassing me in front of our guests, if you wanted to prove your machoness you could have done a better job, that was too awful not to break up."

Nicola says, "well done, however, you forgot one thing..." She then presses down on my pressure point and knocks me on the floor. Nicola says, "never let your guard down and expect the unexpected." She helps me up and we call a truce. Devon says, "ok that was totally unnecessary y'all." We all yell back, "you started it!"

Ayva says, "where did you learn how to do that?" Nicola says, "you learn a thing or two when you have parents in the Marines." Devon nods and heads to the fridge. Zak says, "I've got to say y'all are pretty strong, especially Sierra since she took down you two." Jake says, "Sierra just got lucky." I shoot him a glare.

Nicola changes the subject and says, "hey it's a good day to go swimming, can we have a pool day today?" Devon says, "you just want to have a pool day so you have an excuse to invite Hunter over." Nicola says, "nuh-uh!" Jake rolls his eyes and says, "yeah, we can have a pool day." Nicola rushes past Jake and heads upstairs.

Devon yells out, "don't even think about putting on makeup!" I smack him and say, "leave her alone Dev." Devon says, "this is literally Isaac's little brother and Issac is a totally fuck boy and you're ok with this?" I say, "it's her first crush, leave her alone, or else...." Jake leans in intrigued and Devon shakes his head.

Devon says, "you wouldn't dare, that goes against the sibling code!" Jake says, "ooh spill!" Devon puffs his cheeks and glares at me. I laugh and say," ha, I win."

I say, "come up Ayva and I lend you a swim suit."



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