Chapter 1: Alone

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Alex was off probably screaming in museums with Willie, and Luke and Julie were busy writing songs together. Even Ray was busy. He looks like he was doing something really important, and Reggie didn't want to bother him. To pass time until everyone was less busy, he decided to pay his old bandmate Bobby, or now known as Trevor, a visit.

He likes too keep messing with him, it really makes the day less boring. Trevor was meditating in his room, trying to clear his mind. He still can't stop thinking about Julie's "holograms." There's no way it could be his old bandmates, they're dead. He convinced himself he only thought it was them they similar, but it couldn't possibly be them.

Reggie flickers the lights switch on and off a few times, one of his claim tricks along with messing with blinds and waving blankets around.

Trevor looks around, confused but just goes back to meditating. Ghosts do not exist. He tells himself.

Reggie goes for his favorite trick, and picks up the blanket on the foot of Trevor's bed and waves it around like he did to scar Tia. Trevor stares at it, jaw dropped.

"Hello?" He says.

"Oh, hi!" Reggie says. "Oh, right. You can't hear me."

Trevor runs out of his room and down the stairs and Reggie stays at the top of the steps watching as he runs for the door.

"Carrie, I'm going out." He tells her and leaves before she can respond. She rolls her eyes and sighs, he's always leaving. She's use to it by now. It's either a album signing, a recording session, or something like that.

"Who are you?"

Reggie jumps, suddenly Carrie is staring right at him. He looks behind him, and no one else it there that she could be talking to, but that doesn't make any sense. How can she see him?

"Me?" Reggie says looking back to her. "That's a good question, who am I? I've been having kind of an identity crisis. I feel like I could be a super agent platypus at heart but an evil doctor put my brain, and I guess my heart, inside a human body."

Carrie continues stares at him, not amused by his answer. "Who are you?" She says again.

"Better question, where am I?" Reggie asks. "How am I? Why am I?"

"Wait...aren't you the bassist of Julie's band?" Carrie says. "What are you doing here?"

"Ummm....well....I'm a friend of your dad's actually so I was just here talking to him." Reggie says which wasn't exactly a lie.

"Uh huh. And how did you meet my father?" Carrie crosses her arms, not believing him. Why would her dad be friends with a random kid? "Besides, didn't Julie say you're from Sweden? Why are you here? And you don't have a Swedish accent."

"Oh well me and Bo- Trevor. Me and Trevor were in a band together in the 90s and-" Reggie stops realizing what he said.

"You weren't alive in the 90s. So who are you?"

"Well I'm not exactly alive right now so..."


"What?" Reggie says. "I didn't say anything. You know, I actually am just a hologram so I'm just gonna unplug and get out of here. See ya!"

"Wait." Carrie says and Reggie stays. "Wait there." Carrie thought she recognized him for something else. The other day she was snooping around and found some old photos her dad had hidden away. She had never seen the photos and her dad never talked about the people in them. She goes up to her room, passing Reggie on the way who stood there not quite sure what he should do.

Carrie comes back out with a picture and hands it to Reggie.

"Oh see I told you I was friends with your dad." Reggie smiles.

"So that is you? do you look the same after over twenty years?"

"Oh. Well you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

"Okay, well I'm a ghost." Reggie says. "Not like a scary ghost, a friendly ghost. Although haunting people is pretty fun, but I would never scare anyone too bad, or hurt anyone you know. I'm like Casper the friendly ghost, but cuter. And less whispy."


"Yeah look it up. Hollywood Tragedy, 1995. We were in a band with your dad called sunset curve but tragically died a horrible and painful death because we ate some bad hotdogs." Reggie says, causally telling Carrie, who is practically a stranger, about his traumatic death.

"Woah." Carrie says, after googling what he said. "But it says here you're named are Luke, Reggie, Alex, and Bobby? My dad's name is Trevor."

"Bobby was the only one who didn't eat one of the death dogs, and I guess he changed his name." Reggie shrugged. "I'm Reggie by the way."

"Carrie." Carrie says. "So, you guys are ghosts and not holograms? And I'm guessing Julie knows about this?"

"Yeah, after she played our CD we kinda just showed up in her studio, which use to be our studio. She use to be the only one who could see us, and everyone could hear us when we play, but when we play with Julie that's when the real magic happens and everyone can see us. I don't know why you can suddenly see me now."

"I knew there was something off about the whole hologram thing." Carrie says to herself.

"Look I guess it was nice meeting you, but I should get going." Reggie says.

"Oh, yeah sure." Carrie says, but in truth she didn't really want him to go. I mean, she only just meet him but he doesn't seem like that bad of company, and she would rather not be alone.

"Actually..." Reggie says. At first he wanted to get out of there as soon as he knew Carrie could see him. For whatever reason Julie says Carrie is bad news, but he thinks she doesn't seem that bad. At least hanging with her seems better than hanging alone, and he's sure everyone is still busy. "Are you doing anything? All my friends are busy, so if you're not doing anything maybe we can hang out."

"I don't think Julie would want her holograms hanging out with me. We aren't exactly besties."

"Just because you and Julie aren't friends doesn't mean we can't be." Reggie says. "Besides, didn't you two use to be friends? Maybe there's a way you can make up. I can help!"

"I don't know if it can be fixed." Carrie says. "Thanks anyways. You should get going."

"Oh. Okay, well see ya." Reggie says and poofs away.

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