Pablo Gavi

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Footballer Imaginess Does Halloween
Pablo Gavi

Word Count: 388

You and Pablo were having a cosy autumn evening, the weather was starting to become a little chilly. This was one of your favourite time of the year.

"This is so cosy" you muttered as you had just finished putting the autumnal scented candles on which smelt just like a pumpkin spice latte which was lovely.

"It is, but that candle is not nice" you gasp out loud as Pablo disrespected the candle.

"Well shall i get the other one out and let you smell them if you don't like it?" you ask as you opened up the cupboard where the candles were stored.

As Pablo got up and opened the cupboard where Pablo jumped backwards as he screamed.

"What's wrong?" you asked him as he pointed straight into the cupboard.

"That must be the biggest spider I have ever seen in my fucking life, no that is disgusting" Pablo squealed as he slammed the cupboard shut and ran back to the sofa.

"So not getting a candle out?" you asked as he rolled his eyes straight at you.

"No I am not going in that cupboard, that was huge. It probably will multiply by the time you open that cupboard again. Keep it shut forever" Pablo folded his arms across his chest.

"Nooo I want my candle on, shall I be big and brave and get rid of it for you?" you asked as you let out a giggle.

Having never seen Pablo scared of anything before, you knew that a spider prank was coming out soon just to piss of Pablo.

"Well don't think I will be helping you when that spider bites you because I am never opening that cupboard ever again" Pablo moaned.

"Fine, you do that but you know there is one right behind you" you laughed as you watched him squeal as he jumped straight out of his chair and ran around as he watched around him.

"I. Hate. You." he said through gritted teeth as he dramatically clutched his chest tight.

"You are so easy to annoy its hilarious Pablo, now stop being a scaredy cat and let's finish watching a movie" you sat back down on the sofa as you watched Pablo still looking on edge about all the spiders.

"Fineeeeeee" Pablo huffed as he sat down on the sofa.

Footballer Imaginess Does HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now