Discount dating(AKA friends with benefits)

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Leona was in shock.This was not the best situation.

Granted,he has slept with his dormmates before.Shortly post his break up with Vil,he hooked up with a different person every day.

He'd just never done it drunk.Or with someone he's liked for a prolonged period of time.

Ruggie was gonna hate him.And he'd only just started being friends with the guy..Crap.

Leona rubbed his forehead,partially to soothe the hangover,but mostly to just let himself calm down.

Ok,ok,ok..He needs to remember what him and Ruggie did.Well..That was obvious.They fucked.But how did they get there?He frowned at the ceiling,thinking seeming to only worsen his migraine.Regardless Leona thought on it.

Trough the fog of the pain,sleepiness and rapidly fleeting remains of the alcohol,it came to Leona.

Him and Ruggie were laying on his bed.Totally normal.They were laughing the way only drunk morons could.Then Farena called.Leona,as any sane person,got pissed at Farena for thinking he can control his life.

A particular sentence came back to him.

"I just wanna piss him off sometimes !See him utterly lose it and-"
"I think I can help wit that.."

After that,it was all heat,pants and sweat,the words that followed Ruggie's offer muffled in his brain.

Alright,so he knows how they got there.Trying to piss Farena off.Honestly,he wouldn't expect any less of himself.

Surprised Ruggie went along with it,but with further reflection it clicked.Fucking the dormhead definitely has benefits.Not that Leona was judging.In his position,he'd probably do the same.

He shook his head.Perhaps he's
overanalyzing.After all,they were both drunk.Ruggie hardly had any more forethought in this whole..thing than he did.

Right.Then,Ruggie stirred,hand running along Leona's chest as a low hum emerged from his throat.

At least he seems content and unbothered.The prince groaned,wishing he could relate at the moment.Another groan left his mouth at the realization that he'll probably have to wake him up.Sure,it was the weekend but they had Magift club practice in an hour.He was sure they were gonna be missing breakfast pretty soon too.So,with a hardy smack of his lips,Leona shook Ruggie.

To which the hyena responded by nuzzling further into Leona's chest.The prince took a long suffering sigh.Cute,but making things more complicated.

Business as usual for Ruggie Bucci,he guesses

"Ruggie.."Leona drawled,shaking him harder.

No response,just new drool on Leona's chest.Gross.

"Bucci,I swear to the Seven,if you keep this up.."
"Mhh?"the blonde mumbled.

He blinked a couple times,gaze wandering all over the room.Then him and Leona locked eyes.Instantly,Ruggie snapped to attention,ears perking up and eyes widening in alarm.

"Please tell me we didn't do what I think we did.."
"If you think we had sex..Then,yeah,sorry can't tell ya we didn't."

Ruggie slowly nodded and rolled off of Leona's chest,now laying next to him as stiff as a board,gaze unmoving from the ceiling.

Leona sighed,moving to lay on his hip.

"Look,the rest of the dorm was probably way too plastered to even notice us leaving."
"You're the dormhead.They'll notice."
"..Fair point."

Another silent beat.

"In my defense,not to excuse anything,but I was also drunk."
"I'm not mad,your highness."
"You're not?"
"Not really.You're attractive,I'm attractive,we spend a lot of time together and are both into guys..Honestly,surprised it didn't happen sooner."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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