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       In  a place far away, you may think its home to animals beyond your very imagination, in our case the truth is quite odd. This place, universes away from our galaxy, is called Sofforia by it's inhabitants. The inhabitants are quite dangerous, skilled beasts. They have not a single limb, but that doesn't stop them from being terrifying, for their poison filled dagger for teeth make up for it. They call themselves Fangs, although we would probably call them snakes.

     Sofforia is home to seven species of Fangs, all of their own uniqueness in every way. Each type has their own kingdom. The sad part is, when there's a kingdom, war usually follows. This war is thought to be deadly enough to kill the strongest animal on their planet, the PoisonFangs.  This monstrous task wasn't completed by a single tribe but three. The CinderFangs, the RiverFangs, and the DesertFangs raged war on the PoisonFangs, killing many of the each tribe. No PoisonFang has been seen since. Now, how did this massacre start? Well, the RiverFangs were jealous of the PoisonFang's beauty and wanted them gone. The DesertFangs are highly territorial of the land they slither on, even though they shared it with the PoisonFangs. The CinderFangs felt intimidated by the PoisonFangs since the CinderFangs like being at the top of the food chain.

    History lesson aside, let me inform you about the seven tribes of Fangs. First up we have the OceanFangs, them being the model tribe. They are brave, fierce, determined, and generally wealthiest of all the tribes. They inhabit in the ocean with only a few islands of land, but that doesn't matter, they love the water. Next up we have the FrozenFangs, who are close allies with the OceanFangs. These fangs are friendly even though they live in the second harshest climate in all of Sofforia. Our third type of fang is the DesertFangs, which are cruel, argumentative, and territorial of the whole desert. DesertFangs live in the hot desert as their name suggests and dislike water mildly. The fourth empire we have is the RiverFangs. They are generally graceful, elegant, and sweet, except when it comes to jealousy. When one is jealous they are monsters. They live in the wetlands part of Sofforia, which is scattered with river rocks, their prize position. Next is the CavernFangs, these fangs are rarely seen above the surface and love to be in caves. On top of that they are quiet and move slowly most of the time. They live in a cave system in the Haunting Forest. The sixth type of fang is the CinderFangs, who tend to be full of themselves, mean, and like to bully and boss around the other tribes. The CinderFangs sometimes like to roam around the sky and swoop down to pick off fanglets to eat. The Ocean Kingdom and Frozen Kingdom's fanglets are safe since, the CinderFangs are terrified of water. The CinderFangs reside in the tall mountain chain near the Desert Kingdom.  The last type of fang is the PoisonFangs, which are extinct and were the deadliest of them all. They were amazing at camouflaging into the undergrowth of forests. They have a knife like spear at the end of their tail, containing the most deadly poison ever known. Only one more fact is known about them, the lived in the harshest habitat in all of Sofforia, the Badlands...


Let me know what you think and if you want the first chapter!! Have a great life!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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