Chapter 4

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If Chloe is not going to put the guy in jail, then the guy must pay in some other way. I walked to where Skai usual sits to find her alone drinking. She looked stressed. I sat next to her and poured myself a drink but didn't drink it.

Skai: is she okay?

Tiamo: she was raped. What do you think?

Skai: I'm so sorry-...

Tiamo: I'm not here for your sorry. I want to know who did it.

Skai: no.

Tiamo: no? No? Are you seriously going to hid-...

Skai: I'm not hiding him but I know you very well. You will start a fight with him and he will beat your ass. You'll only be giving him the easy way out.

Tiamo: I will drag him with my car.

Skai: and kill him. That's still the easy way out.

Tiamo: I won't kill anyone. I'll just drag hi-...

Skai: then you'll go to jail.

Tiamo: come on Skai. Work with me here.

Skai: Tiamo, you act without thinking. You trust your fist to protect you and solve your problems but this is not the case. Just trust me to take care of this guy.

Tiamo: and you expect me to fold my arms while you take care of it.

Skai: I expect you to be there for Chloe. She needs her sister. She needs you now amore than ever.

Tiamo: you are not seriously expecting me-...

Skai: Tiamo the world is not just butterflies and rainbows. It's cruel, it's hard.

Tiamo: you think I don't know that?

Skai: no, you don't. You only know the world that is infront of you. Not the world that I know.

Tiamo: why are you being so difficult.

Skai: Tiamo just trust me. You and Chloe are like a family to me. I could never let anything happen to you.

Tiamo: then let me help you.

Skai: you just a child. There a lot you still have to learn.

Tiamo: I'm not a child Skai!

Skai: there's a lot that you don't know. A lot of secrets between our families. A lot of crime. Just a lot.

Tiamo: you and Chloe know something, don't you? Something that no one else know.

Skai: yes. And I think it's time for you to leave now.

Tiamo: Analisse? Why is she married? Her father forced her?

Skai: at first yes but then it ended up being her decision.

Tiamo: why?

Skai: dad's business went under and he couldn't cover the cost so he arranged a marriage for Analisse in exchange for the husband to settle this all his debts.

Tiamo: and Analisse agreed. She chose an arrangement over me.

Skai: she chose her family over you. If her husband didn't settle the debt then we could be living in Alex.

Tiamo: not with the money you make in this club.

Skai: and how am I supposed to explain where the Money comes from?

Tiamo: you rather let Analisse suffer then-...

Skai: as soon as I show the money, the club is gone! Dad will take over and this is the only place where I can be free of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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