Here we go

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" Hey? Hellloooo? Y/n are you even listening to me?"

"Oh shit my bad Bella I spaced out." 

"You seem to be doing that a lot lately."

She got up from her spot across from me and sat right next to me. It was lunch and I would have been eating, but lunch today wasn't great and I don't need to weigh more then I already do.  Bella's my best friend, granted we meet like 3 years ago in 5th grade but things happen right? She looked me straight in the eye and grabbed my shoulder.

"What's going on? You haven't been your self today?" She asked. And why did it make me choke up.

"I'm fine! Just tired..I didn't get a good nights sleep. My dogs kept barking."  I responded. Bella didn't look like she was convinced. She just kept staring , keeping prolonged eye-contact. It was overwhelming. I could see her searching for, I'm not even sure what,in my eyes. She just sighed and pulled away getting up to throw away her food. I followed suit.

"Okay. If you say so. I can obviously tell that's not it, but if your not ready to talk about it, I wont push."  She gave me a hug and it honestly caught me off guard. " Of course, though nothings wrong. If there was something wrong I would tell you in a heartbeat."


'No you wouldn't'

"Good. Wanna head with the rest of the group?" She asked as we pulled away from the hug.  I agreed and we walked over to our other friends. We weren't a big group. Just 5 of us. It was, me, Bella and three other friends. Alfredo, Adam, and Sophia. We were relatively close. We walked over to the field and saw them all under a tree. Joining them I laid my head on Sophia's shoulder.

" So! What's poppin'?"  Bella asked the group.

"Nothing much.  Alfredo was just talking about the answers to Miss.Rodriguez's History test." Adam replied.

" We have a test today? Seriously?" I complained.

"Y/n she told us about it yesterday? There's no way you forgot?"

" Bold of you to assume I pay attention in class Sophia. Half the time I'm either on my phone or asleep."  They all rolled their eyes smiles on there faces. How I got honor's classes is a mystery to me. I almost never payed attention in class last year. But I did do the work so maybe that's why?

The rest of lunch was spent laughing and yelling. I left a 7 minutes earlier than the group though to get my backpack from my previous period early. Walking to my next class I realized how hot it was. I was practically sweating in my hoodie.  And was the sun always this bright? Was the bell always this loud? Were there always this many kids in the hallways? Was the walk to History always this long? Was it always this difficult to breath?

God, I feel like I'm suffocating.  It's too hot. I gotta get to class. I can't be late. run, Run RUN! Why won't my stupid legs work? The door's right there. Just a little closer.  I need this sweater off of me.

I put my stuff down and tried to get the my sweater off when something stopped me.

'What are you doing?'



'There gonna see them'

'There still noticeable'

'You leave that damn sweater on'

' Don't even think about it'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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