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"I wish I was too little to get in trouble," Karin whispered. Daddy nodded, and waited, while Birthday flew in circles around Karin, her wand glowing brighter and brighter with every circle. Its light changed colour as well, moving quickly through the rainbow. Karin tried to keep the fairy in sight, but that just meant she was spinning around on the spot, and before long she was feeling really dizzy.

"Your wish is my command!" Birthday declared, and the spiral coils of rainbow light in the air closed in and wrapped around karin before vanishing. She knew right away that the spell had worked. She stumbled and fell over, feeling so dizzy, but she somehow managed not to hurt herself.

Karin giggled, finding that everything around her suddenly looked so big. Daddy was always bigger than her, and stronger, but now he was almost a giant. She was sure he'd be able to pick her up in one hand. She stood up and reached for his hand, or at least she tried to. Because as soon as she moved, she couldn't keep her balance. She knew how to stand up, you just had to put your legs on the ground. But every time she did it, she couldn't work out the right place to put them, and she ended up sitting back on her butt.

"Aww, so cute!" Daddy grinned, "We'd better get you back up to your room, hadn't we?" Karin nodded, and grinned happily as she gripped Daddy round the shoulders, and he carried her upstairs. It seemed so natural, like this was how she was supposed to get around the house. She knew there was another option, but she didn't remember what it was, and she didn't really care.

"Now, if you're too little to stand up, you probably need to be diapered, don't you Princess?" Daddy asked. Karin looked back at him, not quite sure what to say. She wasn't upset or embarrassed, she just didn't know the answer any more. Maybe that was the downside of being a little girl again. But then, it didn't seem like that much of a downside. She couldn't think of the answer now, but Daddy could, and that was all that mattered. He could answer the questions, and he could keep Karin safe while she played with her toys.

But he wasn't carrying her towards the toybox. She stretched out both arms in the direction of Benjamintrude the Elephant, one of her cuddliest little friends, but he was on the other side of the room and didn't come any closer.

"Don't worry, Princess, you can play soon," Daddy reassured her with a smile, and sat her down on top of the changing table in the corner. Karin tried to sulk, because she wanted her toys, but it was hard to look sad with Daddy tickling her feet. She couldn't stop giggling, and in just a few seconds she couldn't remember why she'd wanted to sulk anyway. She was a good girl, after all. Today was her coming of age party, the day she'd be three years old and start turning into a grownup princess.

Daddy lifted her butt up in the air, wiped her down with baby wipes, and lowered her onto a soft, thick diaper. It was a while since she'd worn one, she couldn't be sure how long, and she'd almost forgotten how good it could feel.

"Now, you're still a big girl," Daddy told her, "And if you can go to the bathroom like a big girl I'll still be super proud of you. But it's a party tonight, and I know that you're going to get so excited you'll have a little accident when people start giving you presents. You might not even notice that you're peeing, so I'm going to put you back in diapers for tonight. Is that good?" Karin nodded. She didn't quite understand, but she wanted to make Daddy happy.

"Good girl," He smiled, and lifted her down from the changing table again, Her frilly dress fell down all around her, about twice as wide as Karin standing on her own, so there was no way anyone could tell she was diapered now. She gave a brave smile, hoping that meant everyone could still realise what a big girl she was, and took Daddy's hand to head down to the party.

Karin can rejoin the party in chapter 16

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