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Ember High's morning bell shrieked, stopping students' conversations with one another. The crowd of kids enter the school in a talking frenzy. I hold Elias close, eager not to lose him in this chaotic place. 

"Kaitlynn," Elias whispered, "You're burning my arm!"

I look down momentarily to see scorch marks on Elias' hand when I remove mine. I panicked and looked around to see if anybody noticed. I took a deep breath and gently placed my hand on his. Inside my hand gleamed bright purple. When the glow diminished, I removed my hands, and the scorch marks disappeared. Elias inspected his hand before smiling, "Well Done, Kait!" I smiled at his praise. 

I brought him into a hug before I turned into my classroom. I'm a senior and my brother is a Junior. The High school is big. first floor-freshman classes; 2 floor-sophomore; 3 floor- Junior; 4 floor-Senior. Elias rushed down the stairs. I walked into the class and a bunch of 'oohs' escaped from their mouths. 

"Shut up, Elias is my brother!" I snapped. "You guys need to learn to quit!" 

"Who's gonna make us stop, Kaitlynn?" A boy with well-kept brown hair. 

I walked over to him, placed my hand on his throat, and shoved him into the nearest wall. I let my hand burn, but not enough to leave a mark, "Arther, I suggest if you want to keep your life you should make your posse and you get off my back. Alright?" Arther nods. I know he's in pain, but he lacks my sympathy. I release my hold and sit in my seat. 

The History teacher, Mrs. BottomsWorth enters the class and silences us all with a slap of her baton to the Chalkboard. "You have a project this Friday, which means you have two days to do the project. It is a major grade and will determine your average for the rest of the year!" 

A loud snicker could be heard from Arther's group of jocks. Arther had his feet propped up on his desk, throwing a basketball into the air. Mrs. BottomsWorth sneered and glared at him, "Mr. Donnovan, do you want to turn in the project by tomorrow?" 

Arther shakes his head, "No, ma'am, I don't." 

"Too Late!" Mrs. BottomsWorth exclaims, "Your project is due tomorrow while the rest of the class' is due Friday." 

The whole class including me laugh out loud. Mrs. BottomsWorth sneers and glares at the rest of us which shuts us up. Mrs. BottomsWorth continues explaining the task, "Since we are going over the family tree of Alexander Hamilton, You will create a family tree of your own from your great-great grandparents all the way down to you pathetic little scraps of human flesh." 

I hesitated. "Mrs. BottomsWorth?"

"Yes, Mrs. Reyes?"

"I-uh-I am not able to do the project. . ." Just as I expected, Arther and his hooligan tribe laughed at me. I ignored them and continued, "My parents died when I was little, along with my younger brother and sister. I have no living relatives except my brother Elias. We barely have any memory of our family when it lasted." 

Mrs. BottomsWorth seemed concerned, "How old were you when they died?"

"I was 15. My parents were always working so my brothers, sister, and I barely saw them. There," I choked on my explanation, forcing back a sob, and my tears, that fateful day replaying in my mind. "There was a fire. My whole village burned down. Elias and I were the only ones to escape." 

Mrs. BottomsWorth looked at me with compassion in her eyes. "It's alright Kaitlynn, I will find something else for you to do." 

The shrieking bell rang for the end of class. We began to pile out of the classroom before the intercom stopped us in our steps. 

"ATTENTION STUDENTS! We are on lockdown, I repeat, We are on lockdown! Teachers on the Junior floor, keep your students inside, the projectile is on the Junior floor, everyone keeps inside your classroom! Stay safe!" 

Gunshots begin to echo throughout the school. 
"Elias!!" I wail and try to make my way through the crowd of students to get to my brother, but someone pulls me back and shuts the door. I don't see who it is but I begin to pace around with strands of my hair tangled around my finger. Heat starts to boil up from my hand. I immediately remove my hand and try to shake the heat off, but no prevail. 

"All right, everyone calm down! Everyone gets to a safe spot in your desks." Mrs. BottomsWorth tries to calm the Popular girls down while trying to address everyone as well. 

I look down at my palms and stare in horror. Red starts forming in my hand, "No, no, no, no. Please not now!" 

The glass shatters and something enters the flesh in my shoulder. I scream out in agony and kneel on the floor, with my my right hand on my left shoulder. I draw my hand back to see blood. and I realize I've been shot! I need to heal, but everyone will know of my powers! 

As I contemplate what to do, the shooter begins to try to break down the door. My wound is throbbing from the pain. More glass shatters. I whimper as I try to slide away from the door. A glass shard punctures my left leg, and I cry out in pain. 

At last, the door broke down. The Shooter enters, receiving screams from everyone.

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