Chapter 1

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Y/n's heart sighed in tandem with her wearied breath as yet another day dawned at her father's sprawling stables. The relentless routine of shoveling stalls for the colossal horses under her father's ownership had become an unyielding companion. Among them, one stood out—a young and captivating mare named Pearl. Her spirited whinny welcomed Y/n, though her impending desire for a ride would have to wait.

"Hey, hey, Pearl," Y/n whispered affectionately, her voice a soft serenade, as she lowered her head to meet the mare's gentle gaze. "I'm certain Father will take you for a ride later today, but for now, I'm tethered to chores."

With a sense of reluctance, Y/n distanced herself from the hopeful mare and returned to her monotonous task of shoveling the equine byproducts.

In a nearby stall, a recently captured stallion seethed with raw frustration, the flames of anger dancing in his eyes. His restless energy reverberated through the stall, drawing Y/n's attention. Without hesitation, she rushed to his side, extending her hand to soothe the agitated creature. His fiery eyes met hers, and a powerful snort echoed through the stable.

"What's troubling you, handsome?" Y/n inquired calmly, her voice a soothing balm as she caressed his cheek. "I see you've met Storm."

An oily, unwelcome voice sliced through the moment, heralding the arrival of Ivy, her father's new paramour. She spoke with a disdainful sense of entitlement. "He's quite the acquisition your father made for me yesterday. I haven't had the opportunity to train him yet, but I'm sure you and your stable hands can manage him, can't you?"

Y/n's eyes bore into Ivy's cold laughter, silently cursing her own powerlessness.

"Yeah, well, you'll learn," Ivy taunted before departing, leaving Y/n alone with the enigmatic stallion, Storm.

Storm lowered his head, his muzzle tenderly nuzzling Y/n's hair. "I'm fine," she whispered, her words a promise to the steed. "I just need to have a word with Daddy about his latest acquisition."

With a determined glance, she released the rope and left the stables behind, embarking on the path that led to her father's upstairs office within their grand mansion.

This, she knew, would be an intriguing, perhaps treacherous conversation. The anticipation tingled in her veins, for what lay ahead promised a drama yet to unfold.


"Father?" Y/n's call echoed through the opulent chambers, but it was met with a solitary servant girl's response. The young girl spoke apologetically, "I'm sorry, ma'am, but your father is not here. He's out for a stroll with Mrs. Ivy," her head bowed in deference.

Y/n offered a resigned sigh and nodded her gratitude. "It's all right. I'll find him later tonight. Thank you," she said, then departed her father's room, descending to her own sanctuary adorned with vibrant garlands, predominantly in shades of blue and pink. The refuge provided her with a brief respite from the ever-encroaching chaos that had befallen her life since her mother's passing.

Her father, in his grief, had found solace in the town's numerous mistresses, each one a temporary replacement for the woman who had once held his heart. As a result, the responsibility of managing their household and the horses he continuously acquired had fallen onto Y/n's shoulders. For all his wealth, her father remained a stranger to the equestrian world, purchasing horses as mere status symbols, remnants of a time when her mother's love for these creatures had still illuminated their lives.

A sudden, inexplicable thud at her bedroom door startled Y/n. No one had knocked, yet a pink fairy darted away from the entrance and out of sight. Intrigued, Y/n moved toward the door, where her foot brushed against an unexpected object on the floor. Her gaze fell to a mysterious box, resplendent in white and purple, exuding an aura of enchantment.

Curiosity piqued, she wondered if the box held something intended for her. Y/n picked it up, secured her door, and seated herself at the edge of her bed, her anticipation mounting. With trembling hands, she opened the box to reveal a gilded parchment inside, bearing an invitation:

"Dear Y/n L/N, we extend to you this invitation to join Rider's Hummel, a prestigious new school. At Rider's Hummel, you will find yourself immersed in the art of equestrian excellence, and your presence is eagerly awaited. You are, of course, free to depart whenever you wish, but we encourage you to come as soon as possible. We eagerly await your arrival.

- Rider's Pearlmore"

The words on the parchment ignited a spark of intrigue and hope within Y/n. An invitation to Rider's Hummel had come her way, a beacon in the dimly lit corridors of her existence. The prospect of escape and new horizons unfurled before her, and the weight of her responsibilities seemed momentarily lighter. The journey that lay ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but it was an opportunity she couldn't resist exploring.

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