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A part of me dies every time I see her. A piece of my heart falls off too. Jessica was my best friend, the one I told everything to, how my day was and how I cried when I watched a preview about warm bodies, but that's over now. I knew her personality was like that. I knew someday it had to end, our friendship. She loved attention and drama in her life. With me I hated it and I wanted nothing to do with it, I mean sure I'll still go out for drama though in high school. I like the fake drama like Degrassi or a Romeo and Juliet play. Whatever it was I just love to watch it not be in it. From 6th grade to 8th grade Jessica dragged me head first into all of her drama, her life.

At the 6th grade dance. She ruined it for me, she told me that someone was talking about me behind my back. Me, being the emotional wreck I am, I cried because in my grade, I'm the nice innocent girl that nobody wants to hurt. Yeah how fun it is to be me but anyway she told me that someone called me a bitch. I cried because I never been called a 'bitch' before nor have I called someone that. When really it was Jessica that called me that. Jessica used to light up my dark days. She was the best friend I ever wanted and the one I always hated.

From the first day I met her I knew she had a attitude. In Jr. High she used her little 'attitude' on me but I grew meaner over the years, being her friend you have to to keep up with her life. So when ever she did I always came up with better comebacks.


"You should get fired for talking to me like that." I turned around in my seat and looked at her because she's crazy.

"No Jessica you should get expelled for talking to him like that." Now she looked at me like I was crazy. I heard a couple students agreeing with me which made me grow more confidence, not that I needed it I knew I was better with words than Jessica.

"Why I didn't say anything mean to him." She snapped back.

"Neither did he, he just told you to get back to work but no you just back talk to him and waste time."

"Oh my gosh never mind!" I roll my eyes at her as I turn around and go back to working on my paper. I shake my head. "I can still see you."

"Yes Jessica I'm right in front of you." I hear her let out a over dramic sigh. I shake my head again. Man she makes my blood boil. How could she treat a teacher like that!? It's crazy, she's crazy. After I think that the door open's and Mr. Tomas walks in, the principal.

"Jessica." He nodded his head out the door. I heard her get up and walked away all snotty like. I hate it. The door shuts.

"Why is she so mean to me?" I turn back to Mr. Bishop.

"You such a push over." I laugh and he looks fake hurt.

"I'm just nice!" I nod my head.

"Yeah too nice." He gasp. I roll my eyes with a smile on my face. Oh Mr. Bishop is the best teacher in the whole wide world.

"Whatever Nicole." The bell rings after he says this and I shake my head at him with a smile on my face. Jessica storms in the classroom grabs her stuff then rushes out of the room. I grab my stuff and look at Mr. Bishop.

"See yeah Mr. Bishop." He waves at me.

"Bye Nicole." I walk out the door and to my next class, health. I take my seat and this half of the day goes by fast until lunch.

I'm sitting in my regular place and with my other friends when Jessica storms over to the table.

"What the hell Nicole?" She yells at me. I dip my head to the side and one eyes brow shoots up.

"What?" I fake smile at her. She glares at me.

"What the hell do you mean what? Why the fuck did you tell on me?" The rest of lunch room becomes quite listening to our little chat.

"What do you mean? I barely ever talk to you so why would I tell on you?" She shakes her and sighs.

"Whatever Nicole." She picked up my other friends milk carton off her tray and throws it at me. I gasp as it lands on me and slips everywhere. I stand up and flick my hands to get most of it off my hands. I wipe my face off. She laughs at me along with other delinquent friends. I shake my head at her.

"Fuck you Jessica." Jessica laughs again. "You should know your place Jessica." I say before I tackle her. She screams. As soon as we hit the ground I sit up and punch her in the face. She gasp before I'm pulled off her and dragged along with Jessica to the principal's office.


"Girls this is the 10th time you've been the office this school year." Mr. Zapata, the principal, says. I blow out a sigh as I sink more into the seat.

"Blame that on Jessica. She always causes a scene then she drags me into it." Jessica scoffs.

"Look Nicole we all know that you want to be my friend again, but news flash I don't want to be your friend!" At the end of her sentence she was yelling.

"No! You always cause a sense to get my attention and I'm tried of it! Hey Jessica, I don't want to be your friend either! Ever sense 6th grade you got all moody and I wanted to leave you then and there but I stayed with you because I was your friend!" I scream at Jessica. Her mouth opened, shocked. I sigh and shake my head at her. I stand up and as I do that, the chair behind me falls back. I shake my head and leave the room.

"Nicole! Nicole you can't leave!" I heard Mr. Zapata yell. I ran through the hallways and past the classrooms and out the front door to the parking lot. As I'm running I check my pockets.

"Yes!" I whisper and I pull out my car keys. Yes, we have cars, all highschoolers drive. You see the bus doesn't take you any more if your 9th grade up. Yeah it sucks, no car? Have your mom drive you. If you do that, it's hummating. I mean the other kids make fun of you, trust me I would know but I finally got a car, now that I'm sophomore I got a car. It's not the bestest car you could have. It's a blue 2006 Pontiac grand prix.

As I'm running I unlock the car and open the car door and hope in. I start the car quickly and pull out of the parking lot. I have no idea where I'm going but I know I'm not going home. I blow out a sigh and I drive past my house. I guess I'll stay at Kylee's house. Kylee is one of the girls that was there at the table when the milk went down. She is one of my best friends, now. Side's she wouldn't mind if I stayed at her house. She hate's Jessica as much as I do. That's some of the reason we're friends. 

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