The masks of intelligence.

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slow rummaging noises created an amber illusion ,
unfortunate silent clankings of his 'tiger claw' flung in millions,
was I at fault?
i blinked again to make another incisional dealt
but oh lord ,
this time, it was the horse-ridden queen who held the same sword.

Another labyrinth,
stalked by the horrific cries that echoed back and forth,
but I only heard whispers of patriotism.
They said , I curled up misconceptions
even so , were those really another fallacy?

"Subjects" , a distinction made about on the various topics of knowledge and interests. One such subject is history, a vast topic compressed into a small two syllable word or maybe it can be identified as another subject that has been simultaneously victimized as it is categorised into the arts stream set by us , mere humans. History is beyond the dimensional beauty, it holds the power to crush scientific theories since it possesses the power to cover evidences with dust of past and at the same time it has the power to clarify every bit of uncertainty. Had we ever come to know about the richness of "the golden bird" without history? or had we ever  been aware of the atrocious aftermath of our life's decisions if we had never known about the cosmical power of history to repeat itself ?

Likewise every warrior is defined by their strength in the battle field but never for the strength with which he protects his family, why? recognition is another word that everyone of us are afraid of , we fear the change , the change that could alter mentality of millions.
Science is great but nothing without history and similarly history is nothing without science. It's acceptance that matters , accepting that we, too, strongly protect our families so we're warriors too.
All these epitomes of subjects are presented to convey the message that intelligence builds interest not standards and that everything  and everyone are special in copious ways.
I am interested in the cosmic varities of the nature , human behaviour and the building mysteries of history. All these claims build me up brick by brick .

The society has designed ambiguous borders across the boxes of our existence which makes us petrified to be the "Kohinoor" among the bulkiness of coal as the ingrained mentality screams that afterall we are derived from the same fossil fuel and hence ineligible. Often times, the darkness of reality carcasses our heftiness and we're graded based on our intellectual points even when nobody really knows the difference in the conundrum of aridness and vibrancy within us. So, what's this enigma that keeps making people degrade the most splendid ?


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