Soul's Dirty Little Secret Chapter 1

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Soul left the academy late one night. He ran into Tsubaki. "Hey Soul do you need any help"? Soul replied. "Yeah I could really use some help with this huge bag". He pulls the bag from his shoulder and sets it down. "Wooh that's heavy" Soul Sighed. Tsubaki grabbed one side of the bag and Soul grabbed the other. "So Soul how has Maka been? "She's been doing pretty well aside from the last incident that happened". "I hope she heals". Tsubaki looks down at the ground and frowns. Soul does the same. "Hey you guys". They both hear the voice. Its Liz. "Oh thank god you scared me Liz", said Tsubaki. As they talked Soul tried to act like he wasn't there. Hoping they wouldn't notice him he goes off to buy some groceries. "Hey Soul where are you going", Tsubaki yelled. Soul stopped and looked back. "I'm just going to the store to get some groceries. You guys wanna come with"? They agreed and grabbed the bag. Soul was ahead so Liz and Tsubaki had to carry the heavy bag. Soul thinks to himself for a moment. Ha took a shortcut there. Now I don't have to carry that all the way after all. "Hey Soul can I talk to you in private"? "Sure Liz". He walked back and had Tsubaki chill out and watch the bag. Soul and Liz walked to the corner of an alley. "Hey Soul before we talk about what I wanted to talk about, can I ask a question about Maka"? "Sure go ahead". "Has she ever showed any interest in you"? Soul froze. "Well I have never noticed any kind of actions like that". He looked puzzled. Someone interrupted. It was Stein. "Hey you two what are you doing out here. Its late. Souls sighs. "Sorry we were just talking until we were rudely interrupted". Stein replies "Oh im sorry for getting in the way I'll leave now". "Ok so where were we" Soul growls. "Ok well we were at Maka acting attracted to you. So has she ever you know tried anything on you before"? "Not that I can remember". Soul replies. Liz smiles. "Well than can you keep a secret Soul"? "Of course." She walks closer to him and whispers. "I like you". Liz runs away leaving Soul alone with Tsubaki.

Admin: Hey guys this is my second fanfic and were only in chapter one so this is where we are going to leave off. I'll keep you all updated.

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