[PR]: You come out to them.

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• McPig, I believe? It's just a screenshot from the intro but edited by me!! :D

• Peppino Spaghetti
• The Noise
• Noisette
• Pizzahead
• Fake Peppino / Bruno
• The Vigilante

I might edit this to add more characters.


• If you bring him into a room to come out in private, he's gonna be so nervous because he has NO IDEA what you want from him in a room, away from everyone else, ...alone.

• "Grazie a Dio.." He'd sigh, after hearing you come out.

• But overall, he doesn't mind how you identify one bit. At least you're not hiding yourself from him.

• If you're close enough with him, he'll pat you on the back. "Do not-a worry, amica/amico. Everyone is-a welcome in Peppino's Pizza."


• "So you're gay?" He would ask after you came out to him as trans, or anything other than specifically homosexual.

• Definitely the type of guy to go "I always knew" or "I had a feeling" when he, in fact, did not.

• Doesn't always get it, you'll probably have to explain what it is if it isn't a more well known identity.

• Guy has mad "HIS PRONOUNS ARE THEY/THEM" energy when defending you for being misgendered.

• Altogether though, he doesn't care if you're LGBT+. In his own words; "You could say you're an alien in disguise, and I couldn't give less of a shit. You're still you."


• "Ooh! So cool!!" Is her reaction to this, no matter what identity, sexuality, or other you come out as.

• Very educated on the subject, so you don't really need to explain anything.

• Buys you a big-ass flag, or a mug, or a shirt, or a nuke, or a button, or literally anything with your flag on it.

• Literally so proud of you.

• "I heard there's this pride event going on in town this week, are you going?"

• Will defend you in her own way, if anyone tries to harass you. She won't necessarily be angry, of course she'll be upset that someone's doing this to her loved one!

• She uses a special form of physiological torture, which is to talk their ear off about literally nothing. She will just start spewing random words that don't make sense when put together until the harasser gets a headache and goes away. Once they're gone, she tries to comfort you and ask if you're okay.

• Btw she's definitely the person to call you her "gay friend" "trans friend" etc. but it's not out of anything malicious, it's just her being unaware of how odd it is to call someone that.


• This one's a little tricky. He's old fashioned, and by that I mean 1930s old fashioned, even though he was probably born in the 80s.

• Knows jack shit about LGBTQ+ (which he sometimes just calls "gay community"..) but is at least willing to listen.

• When he begins to understand, he almost immediately starts making cringy jokes.

• Due to legal reasons I cannot share the jokes he would make./J

• Overall though, it doesn't matter to him, he still loves you, whether it be romantic or platonic.


• A little confused, but is happy that you're comfortable enough to tell him stuff like this.

• Doesn't really have a clear concept of what it means to be LGBT+, he's not very educated on just...humans in general. So anything deemed 'odd' in society, he views as normal.

• If you're trans and look different from when you did before you transitioned, he would be very confused to see old photos of you. Or he'd be confused on why you're dressing differently, but he obviously doesn't have any malicious intent behind that confusion.

• If you get any big flags to hang in your house, expect to see the big guy chewing on them.

• "Ya said what?" He would ask for more specification.

• "I don' know about this whole gay n' trans-binary stuff, but I believe people should live 'er lives however the hell they want."

• If you come out as trans, or under that specific umbrella he'd ask "So ya feel like-a man?" "Ya feel like-a lady?" "Ya feel like neither?" (a small pause, as he would then ask in a very confused, but quieter voice) "...how the hell does that work?" "So yer tellin' me you feel like a man one minute, and a lady the next? Must be one hell of a ride." Etc..

• Will ask a ton of questions, mostly because he wants to learn more for the sake of supporting you properly. Also because he refuses to touch any modern technology, so he can't look it up.

• Despite everything, he still supports you and will not hesitate to defend you against any bigots, whether it be verbally or physically. He's right beside you, and he's proud of that.

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